World’s first Halal FIFA World Cup is here

Apart from the main sporting activities, the World Cup or any sports event for that matter is meant for fun and entertainment. These tournaments are a way for fans to express their unsolicited love for their team. Isn’t that so? Apparently, the FIFA World Cup Host – Qatar, doesn’t think so. The tiny Islamic nation has passed Fatwas to every visiting spectator.

Even before the FIFA World Cup could see the light of day, it was caught in the storm of several controversies. Now, it seems that the Islamic nation is in no mood to dial down. It is making every effort to Islamise the sporting tournament.

Banning the ‘Un-Islamic’ activities in the ‘Secular’ fest of the World

The buzz of the FIFA world cup is all around the town. The mega football tournament was kicked off by the performances of Morgan Freeman, Jungkook from BTS and hundreds of other performers. But the grandeur of the opening ceremony couldn’t fructify Qatar’s intention. The Islamic nation wanted to ‘sportswash’ its notorious Human rights track record. The World Cup, which is supposed to be a secular outing, is being misused by Qatar to spread Islamic ideology.

Just two days before the inaugural match, the Qatari officials took a shocking U-turn. It was announced that fans won’t be allowed to drink beer at any of the eight stadiums reserved to host the World Cup matches. It was a complete reversal of its earlier liberal policy.

Notably, the Islamic nation strictly regulates intoxication. The administration has passed clear orders to the customs agents. They have to seize liquor or any other intoxicants visitors may try to bring into the nation.

Moreover, the Qatari government has also set harsh punishments for public consumption and smuggling of alcohol. It is illegal in Qatar to drink publicly and attracts jail terms of up to six months. In addition to alcohol and pornography, the Islamic nation has also banned the import of pork products and it is an open secret that Homosexuality is criminalised in Qatar.

As per the State Department of Qatar, Islam is the official religion of Qatar. It will criminally prosecute anyone who is found to be involved in conversion to other religions or criticising Islam.

It is also a great challenge for foreign visitors to practise their faith openly. As per the U.S. agency, Qatar allows non-Muslim religious practices only in designated areas like Doha’s Religious Complex. There also, all faiths are not accommodated equally.

The officials added that if anyone is found to have committed “immoral” actions, gestures or doing public debauchery will also be jailed and face a jail term. Further, people having affairs or sex outside of marriage will also be sent behind bars.

As per the dress code advisory, both men and women have to cover their shoulders, chests, stomachs, and knees and in the case of tight leggings, it has to be covered by a long shirt or dress.

Hypocrisy of FIFA and the Islamic ban on alcohol

With the ‘conspiracy of silence,’ FIFA has virtually kneeled before the Qatar government. It didn’t oppose the unilateral reversal of Qatar’s liberal policies and banning alcohol. Ironically, FIFA arm-twisted Brazil to change its federal laws to lift the ban on alcohol. The football-crazy nation of Brazil enacted a ban on alcohol sales after violence erupted in its stadiums because of intoxication. But in 2014, FIFA pressured the hosting nation – Brazil to lift the liquor ban.

In 2012, the then FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke had arrogantly stated that Alcoholic drinks are part of the FIFA World Cup and we would have them. He said, “Excuse me, if I sound a bit arrogant but that’s something we won’t negotiate.”

To the servile FIFA officials, we won’t suggest even trying this with Qatar as everyone knows what their fate will be after that UN-ISLAMIC REQUEST.

Interestingly, the Islamic nation – Qatar is guilty of double-speak and taking a hypocritical stand. It is an open secret that money has special powers. Throw a few bucks and these Emirs will start dancing for you. This ban doesn’t apply in special quarters. Only spectators in the stadiums’ high-end luxury suites have the privilege to pass this Islamic ban and with money, the emirs are happy with that.

Boycott of FIFA World Cup in Qatar

There has been widespread demand to hold the Qatari government accountable for its grave Human Rights Violations. Several prominent voices have been calling for a boycott of this event. They have termed it as an attempt by the Qatar government to sportswash its crime.

Evidently, several broadcasters boycotted the opening ceremony of the Qatari World Cup. BBC’s lead presenter Gary explained why the British national broadcast boycotted the coverage of FIFA’s opening ceremony.

Source: The Guardian

Tough, we don’t vouch for the style of Journalism BBC does but it surely has started a much-needed debate on Qatar’s grave Human Rights violation and alleged corruption. It is alleged that to become the smallest nation to host the FIFA world cup, Qatar used corrupt means to gain the hosting rights and corrupt FIFA officials assisted the Islamic nation in it.

Further, Qatar’s despicable track record on Human Rights issues is an open secret. Reportedly, more than 6,500 migrant workers from India and its neighbouring countries have died in Qatar since FIFA awarded them with the hosting of the 2022 World Cup.

Is FIFA a tool to preach Islam?

Claiming that sports should be free from other controversial activities, Qatar has shown its double speak and blatant Islamic bigotry in the most explicit form possible. It invited the most dreaded terrorist of this country – Zakir Naik for the World Cup and laid down the red carpet for him. Apparently, they have asked the hate monger to deliver religious preaching throughout the competition.

The fugitive offender, Zakir Naik has been brainwashing Islamic believers and sending them on the path of radicalisation and terrorism. He is also accused of money laundering in India. India has been trying to extradite the Jihadi Naik from Malaysia.

These Fatwas and the institution of terrorism Zakir Naik delivering Islamic sermons raises several questions on FIFA. It is time that bidding and allocation of Hosting rights are scrutinised thoroughly and secular outings like FIFA shouldn’t be allowed to be Islamised.

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