Will You Be Able To Solve This Lock Puzzle In 10 Seconds? Try Out

Last Updated: May 07, 2023, 12:01 IST

The puzzle presents an image with six locks, and the challenge is to identify which lock can open all the others.

Although the locks are numbered, you shouldn’t be deceived by them

Instagram is a popular platform for sharing optical illusions that can trick the mind into seeing something that isn’t there or perceiving things differently. Many users enjoy creating and sharing these illusions, from simple ones to more complex ones. Some illusions are created using special techniques like forced perspective or clever camera angles, while others are simply a matter of perception. These puzzles often include a brief question and an accompanying picture related to everyday objects. One such viral puzzle has been making the rounds, challenging people to identify the lock that opens everything from the provided image. Despite the intense discussions and debates about which lock among the six can open everything, the answer to this viral puzzle is quite simple and only requires a basic understanding of logic.

Firstly, let us examine the picture:

The puzzle presents an image with six locks, and the challenge is to identify which lock can open all the others. It’s important not to be intimidated by the number of locks presented.

Netizens took over the comment section with different kinds of answers according to their perspectives. Some said 1, whereas others commented 2, 6. A few users even said that no lock can open all. Instagram users completely split into different views and perceptions of the puzzle with their narratives behind their answers.

Although the locks are numbered, you shouldn’t be deceived by them when trying to figure out which lock can unlock the rest.

If you have not been able to guess the correct answer and are not finding the rest of the answers in the comments that are not convincing enough for you, then don’t worry because we have provided the right answer to this puzzle below.


This mind-boggling puzzle requires us to determine the lock that unlocks all other locks in the image. Now, let’s unveil the solution to this enigma.The answer is quite straightforward – unlocking any of the six locks would open all of them. When you unlock one, all of the pins in the other locks would be shifted as well, allowing them to be opened with ease. While the number of locks might be confusing, the puzzle itself isn’t that challenging to solve.

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