What Happens To Trump’s $101 Million War Chest If He Announces He’s Running For President?

Former President Donald Trump has been raking in cash since he lost the 2020 election. His leadership PAC, a group called Save America that he formed in November 2020, has collected nearly $130 million. The moment he declares another run for the presidency, however, Trump’s grasp on that money will loosen. The exact amount of control he’ll lose is an open question—one that depends on how much the former president is willing to push campaign-finance boundaries and whether the Federal Election Commission is willing to rein him in.

Leadership PACs like Save America are often used by politicians to raise funds for other people seeking higher office. So far, Trump’s group, which had $101 million on hand as of May 31, has spent much of its money on things that look like traditional campaign expenses—buying ads, booking travel and hosting rallies. If Trump announces that he’s running for president again, most experts say those costs would have to be paid by his official campaign committee, not Save America. “The purposes of leadership PACs are not that they be used as an alternate campaign committee on behalf of the candidate for president,” said Ann Ravel, a former Democratic commissioner of the FEC. Karl Sandstrom, another Democrat who formerly served as an FEC commissioner, agreed: “If you’re running nationally, how do you make the claim that none of this [spending] is in support of your own election?”

It’s not all cut and dried, though. If, for example, Trump hosts a campaign-style rally for another candidate, but the former president spends plenty of time on stage, can Save America pick up the tab? Well, maybe. Saurav Ghosh, who helps dig up campaign-finance violations for a nonprofit named the Campaign Legal Center, admitted that the rules surrounding leadership PACs are “murky.” Bradley Smith, a Republican who served as an FEC commissioner from 2000 to 2005, agreed that they are “a bit of a fuzzy area.”

The five experts Forbes interviewed couldn’t come up with a consensus on a hypothetical like Trump hogging the microphone at a rally technically for someone else. One said the event would be illegal, two said it would probably be legal, and two said its legality would depend on things like whether Trump attended the event as a guest and what he said. “Technically, he could go in and use the leadership PAC money to pay travel expenses, to do an event for some other candidate or something,” Smith said. “But knowing Trump, he would not be able to resist touting his own candidacy.”

Robert Maguire, research director at a watchdog group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington who stressed that he is not a lawyer, said politicians have previously used leadership PACs in questionable ways, leading him to believe Trump may have plenty of flexibility. “These committees were never supposed to be as close to the candidates as they are, but they’re essentially extensions of the campaigns,” Maguire said, pointing out how politicians have used leadership PACs to pay for expensive dinners, golf trips and—in Trump’s case—payments to his own business. Save America has already spent more than $200,000 at the former president’s properties.

Another complication: The body that is supposed to enforce the rules surrounding leadership PACs hasn’t done much enforcement recently. Several experts said the FEC is unlikely to even investigate complaints. Doing so would require a majority vote of the six commissioners, three of which are currently Republicans who have so far stonewalled efforts to dig into Trump-aligned groups. According to a June public statement from two current Democratic commissioners, the FEC investigated zero of the first 40 complaints made against Trump or his campaign. “Part of the problem,” explained Ravel, one of the former Democratic commissioners, “goes back to the unwillingness of the FEC, because of its composition, to actually do anything.” Maguire agreed: “It feels like both everything and nothing is permitted, because it really depends on the ways that [the campaign’s] lawyers can sort of fit the activity to the rules that exist.”

Smith, the former Republican commissioner, said another major issue is the length of time it takes to adjudicate complaints. “Our First Amendment doesn’t allow the government to start shutting people’s campaigns down or political speech down, so it tends to take a fair amount of time—and often, therefore, is not resolved until after the election,” he explained. “In this case, if Trump declares his candidacy this early, maybe some stuff will be resolved before the election. But even then, the money will have been spent at a time when it was important to the campaign.”

In a follow-up interview, Smith put it more bluntly. “If you do it and it helps you win, and then at the back end you have to pay a $2 million fine, well, that’s not that much if you’re gonna spend a couple hundred million.”

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