“We persisted despite violence” The narrative being peddled by BJP is cowardly

While violence should never be condoned or used as a means to achieve political goals, the BJP shamelessly boasts about “persisting despite insurmountable violence.” Really, is this the best you could come up with?

Let’s shed light on the misguided and self-congratulatory claims made by the BJP and highlight the real problems faced by the people of Bengal.

Exploiting Violence for Political Gain

The recent Bengal Panchayat elections are out, with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerging victorious in a significant number of seats, despite the violent resistance by the ruling dispensation. However, the narrative being peddled by the BJP is nothing short of cowardice. Instead of addressing the grave issues at hand, they choose to focus on their supposed triumph over violence. BJP’s Superficial Victory

Contrary to expectations, the BJP did secure a substantial number of seats in the Bengal Panchayat elections, significantly denting the vote share of the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC). However, the BJP’s reaction to this outcome is far from commendable. Instead of acknowledging the concerns and hardships faced by the people, the BJP conveniently spins this as a victory against all odds.

One of the most troubling aspects of the BJP’s narrative is its attempt to trivialize the violence that marred the elections. While violence should never be condoned or used as a means to achieve political goals, the BJP shamelessly boasts about “persisting despite insurmountable violence.” Really, is this the best you could come up with? Such statements not only diminish the suffering of the victims but also reveal a lack of empathy and responsibility on the part of the BJP.

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Forced Migration and Failure of Governance

The aftermath of the Panchayat elections has witnessed an alarming trend of people being forced to migrate to other regions. This upheaval is a result of the deeply flawed electoral process and the failure of the government to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens. Blaming the Mamata government alone would be unfair, as the BJP also bears responsibility for exacerbating the situation.

In contrast to the BJP’s claims of being a formidable opposition to the TMC, their approach has been lackluster at best. The party’s reliance on Dharna Pradarshan (sit-in protests) as their primary weapon against the tyranny of the TMC is disappointing. Boy, even the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) scores way better on this front. The people of Bengal deserve better than this fish and chips response from the BJP.

TMC’s Increased Murders: A Grim Reality

While the BJP boasts about its improved tally, it conveniently ignores the alarming rise in murders under the TMC’s rule. The TMC has amplified the number of killings, going from 25+ to 45+ in this period. This reality exposes the hollowness of the BJP’s celebration, as it is clear that the welfare and safety of the people have been compromised under both parties. How is this ‘commendable’ performance in any way?

The BJP seems to have conveniently forgotten its own past when it criticizes the Congress for dismantling BJP governments after the Babri Masjid incident. The Congress took decisive action against multiple BJP-led governments, displaying courage and firmness in the face of adversity. In contrast, the BJP fails to demonstrate the same determination to remove even one state government today, raising questions about their commitment to the welfare of the people. How many more people need to give up their lives for something as simple as a President’s Rule?

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Cowering Before Criticism

The lack of action from the BJP raises concerns about their priorities and values. They seem to be more concerned about criticism from American newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post than addressing the grievances of their own people. Who does the current dispensation fear? This betrayal of the trust placed in them by the Indian electorate is disheartening and raises serious doubts about their ability to govern effectively.

The Bengal Panchayat elections have exposed the BJP’s cowardly narrative of violence. While they celebrate their electoral gains, they conveniently overlook the suffering of the people and the escalating violence under the TMC’s rule.

Dear BJP, the people of Bengal deserve more than your self-congratulatory rhetoric and feeble protests. As a party holding power at the centre and in numerous states, you must comprehend that a government and political party that do not prioritize the welfare of the people are effectively non-existent. It’s time for you to wake up, face reality, and confront the radical elements with a strong message that they rightfully deserve.

LOOK!  the removal of the TMC government is not a luxury; it is an absolute necessity for the overall improvement of Bengal!

Hope you got it right into your brains.

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