Actor Vijay Varma, known for carving a distinct niche in the industry, has secured a significant role opposite Fatima Sana Shaikh in an upcoming project. As per reports, the untitled film helmed by Vibhu Puri will also feature Naseeruddin Shah in a pivotal role. Earlier this year, Puri showcased his period web show, Taj: Divided By Blood, streaming on OTT, where Shah portrayed the lead character of Mughal emperor Akbar.
Meanwhile, Vijay Varma recently completed dubbing for Murder Mubarak. Directed by esteemed filmmaker Homi Adajania, the film stars a star-studded lineup including Vijay Varma alongside Sara Ali Khan, Karisma Kapoor, and Tisca Chopra in pivotal roles.
Fatima Sana Shaikh is gearing up for her appearance in Vicky Kaushal’s Sam Bahadur, a biopic centred on the life of India’s first field marshal Sam Manekshaw. In this film, she embodies the character of India’s former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi.