‘Undergods’ Is A Dystopian Fairy Tale For The Pandemic Era

Director Chino Moya’s exceptional debut film Undergods arrives this weekend in theaters and VOD as offering a prophetic warning that we will be the instruments of our own undoing if we refuse to address rising authoritarianism alongside growing inequality and scarcity of resources. Like Netflix’s The Platform last year, Undergods is a dystopian fairy tale perfectly suited for the pandemic era.

Nominated for two British Independent Spirt Awards, Undergods is distributed by Gravitas Ventures. Producers include director Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Productions, responsible for decades of tremendous cinema and television content including HBO Max series Raised By Wolves and AMC’s The Terror, and films including Alien: Covenant and The Martian.

My reviews are usually as devoid of plot points and potential spoiler details as possible. However, in this case I want to analyze what Undergods is saying and what makes it so fascinating to watch, and with a surreal production of this sort it’s impossible to discuss it without laying out some of the story and what makes it tick. So I will still avoid actual spoilers and specific details, while giving some overview that does lay out certain structure and thematic beats in the stories.

These are tales of loneliness and isolation, of an oppressive social spiritual decay, of stolen identity and lost individuality, and of fateful consequences for both the dominant and dominated alike. It’s a world where the center barely holds as it spirals round a drain. Along the perimeter lurk strange bands of enforcers answering to some higher authority (be it the state, some corporate paymaster or mobster, or the unwritten post-apocalyptic law of “survival of the fittest”) who kidnap, enslave, kill, and cannibalize anyone venturing the wrong the way. People tell stories, and then appear in stories told by characters in other character’s stories, overlapping until the interlocking nature folds in on itself.

Undergods is about authoritarianism, capitalism’s degradation, and state/social/personal control mechanisms — in particular, it’s about the relationship between those things as they function and as they decline and break down.

There is an internal logic of sorts to the world itself, and to each of the short stories, but it is a dream logic and much of what transpires makes no sense in any literal real-world sense. Nor are any specifics offered about the world, the timing, or even the precise location, outside of those details specifically necessary to portray each character’s personal life.

Much of the cityscape appears damaged by major bombing and fires, akin to how the outer edge of a nuclear blast zone might be portrayed. Buildings are chard Brutalist monoliths, and the cold overcast skies overhead bring to mind nuclear winter. Food scarcity, depopulation and extreme class stratification, and roaming cannibal slavers suggest a regressive and repressive society struggling to survive after a major catastrophe.

Most of the characters we meet are from stories about dreams told by two of the enforcer-types who roam the landscape searching for dead bodies in the streets (another sign some dramatic calamity befell society) and kidnapping the living f0r slave labor. But these enforcers also appear in tales told by the characters in the enforcer’s own dream-stories, so are they dreamers within a dream?

Each story is about a troubled home into which a stranger (or semi-stranger) intrudes and attempts to steal a loved one and destroy the household, resulting in deception, disloyalty, and death. In every case, bourgeoisie privilege and presumption is confronted by decreased economic and social opportunity, which then manifests in loss of access to their personal entitlements at the hands of a lower class who invade the lives of the bourgeois through traditional presumed means of access — a neighbor in need, an inventor seeking an investor, a former inmate seeking reentry into society and reconnection with family. The violent authoritarianism maintaining entitlements for the few at the expense of the many soon fails to fully protect the privileged, and even preys upon them as scarcity makes everyone expendable.

Undergods is premised on the idea capitalist society exploits workers and maintains an unequal, unjust society that will inevitably lead to the exploited rising up and the state targeting everybody from the top down, until the whole system eats itself alive both figuratively and literally. In these dream-stories, households themselves represent the larger social construct in the film, and the invasive degradation of the household “natural order” reflects that of the world around them.

But there’s more to Undergods than just its socio-economic foundations. The film isn’t about asserting the premise of exploitative capitalism, nor does it merely function as an alarm to warn us how close we’re veering toward the cliff’s edge. Specifically, Undergods examines how even the seemingly mundane existence of ordinary people within the system reflects inequality and objective choice by the participants to enrich themselves by exploiting someone else. All the while, however, they feel they are the victims of encroachment and oppression — and of course, they are, both by those whom we might sympathize with as well as some we don’t, and by the state itself.

That the protagonists reached this state of affairs through their own inaction — or more to the point, their action of accepting increased exploitation and oppression of other people for their own benefit, in a post-apocalyptic era where the desperate are even more in need of mercy and solidarity — is obvious, yet they don’t perceive or admit their own role in what came before, and they certainly don’t accept any blame for what’s happening now.

Viewed squarely in their own narrow context, the stories might leave us with different impressions and sympathies, were we not aware of the larger world around them and how it got this way. Indeed, the film specifically mixes stories where the protagonist is almost entirely unsympathetic with stories where the protagonist at least seems relatable and justified in their confusion and rage over what they see as their own victimization. That inexcusable intrusions and deceptions happen is undeniable, but who commits them and why — and who they commit them upon, and how — complicates things considerably.

Because while nuances and details can be swapped out, the designs remain basically the same and the underlying root causes and destined outcomes are all in place. While the differences exist between the characters and their situations, do those difference really make enough difference to change the underlying truths about inequality, exploitation, oppression, authoritarianism, and how it could destroy us? We are challenged on whether to perceive one as more sympathetic than another, and whether it’s fair to judge them at all versus whether it’s fair to excuse any of them.

The filmmaking is not only patient, it is meditatively slow most of the time. The stories drift rather than drive along the narrative path, the pacing intentionally laborious at times and audio inhospitable for the express purpose of discomfort, resulting in an intrusive, claustrophobic experience. Which sounds like a criticism, but it’s not. We feel the way the characters feel, we get a sensory taste of their world. The sometimes jarring score by Wojciech Golczewski adds to the retro-predictive sensibilities of regression as futurism, of past as future (think sci-fi synth music and jumpsuits in the 1980s).

Moya gets tremendous performances from his cast, and manages surprisingly lovely shots despite the necessarily minimalist, utilitarian nature of the aesthetics. And despite the surrealism and lack of specificity in the stories, there’s an authenticity and lived-in feel to the settings and lives and emotions, resulting in the feeling of being awake and dreaming at the same time.

Undergods is poignant, hypnotic sci-fi that examines the raw nerves of the human condition while the world falls apart. And if you are looking for a great double feature of surrealist dystopian sci-fi storytelling relevant to our times, I highly recommend Undergods and The Platform.

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