Umar Khalid – How Indian left-liberals and media created a monster

Umar Khalid has been arrested by the Delhi Police as a conspirator to the anti-Hindu riots which broke out in Northeast Delhi early this year, the bulk of which were orchestrated by former AAP councillor Tahir Hussain, JNU freeloader Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi and others. As per various reports, and according to Tahir Hussain’s admission himself, Umar Khalid was the brains behind the timing of the riots, and was responsible for making them coincide with US President Donald Trump’s first state visit to India, apart from also inciting mobs distantly. Now that the seditious freeloader, who availed an infructuous education at JNU at the expense of Indian taxpayers has been arrested, it is only befitting to reminisce now a monster, albeit an intellectual one, was created out of the unemployable India-hater.

It all started when in the winter of 2016, Umar Khalid and his gang of JNU freeloaders were perhaps for the very first time challenged and stopped from conducting seditious demonstrations freely. Umar and his gang, comprising of Kanhaiya Kumar, Shehla Rashid and Anirban Bhattacharya, among other lesser-knowns, were exposed back then for organising a remembrance of what according to them, was the so-called “unjust” execution of Afzal Guru, a terrorist who was involved in the terror attack on the Indian parliament in 2001.

The JNU fiasco of early 2016 was a grand one, where Indians, for the first time, saw a section of the university’s students for what they were: anti-India bigots high on illegal intoxicants, dreaming about the breakage of this country from all its corners. Of course, liberals and leftists from across the country rose in wholehearted support of the new revolutionaries from JNU, who would finally achieve the liberal dream of bringing India under the rule of an Islamic politburo, governed by Sharia no less.

Liberals and opposition parties did not shy away from standing in support of Umar Khalid, even as the country’s citizens, who are not shameless freeloaders-off taxpayer money cum anti-nationals, decided to rise against the growing forces seeking the ruin of India. Nevertheless, Umar became a liberal star. Literature fests, friendly Indian media conversations and a demented appreciation for him from braindead zombies became almost a daily schedule.

Projecting himself as an anti-BJP and anti-Hindutva crusader, Umar Khalid reached the pinnacle of his temporary intellectual limelight, gifted to him in abundance by the country’s foolish liberals. On all issues, Umar stood at loggerheads with the government – which is fine. For speaking against the government, nobody touched Umar. Even as he went about the country spewing venom, Indians and law enforcement agencies ignored the man.

Umar Khalid projected himself as a far-left atheist, despising the very concept of God and religion. Yet, the man found fault with Hindus alone. Still, we ignored the man. When the mask fell of from his face, and he took to preach about the noble virtues of the Prophet while deriding Hindutva, this country’s citizens mocked him for his hypocrisy and duplicity, and nothing more. As he, incomplete contestation of what a far-left atheist stands for, took to sing laurels about the Prophet and Islam, Indians laughed it off, recognising what a duplicitous mad man they were unfortunately dealing with.

But then came the anti-Hindu riots, masterminded by Umar Khalid. This was it. Freedoms have their limit, and orchestrating violence against Hindus, only to teach the ruling establishment a lesson was a step taken by Khalid and his gang which has ultimately landed their bottoms in jail. On Sunday, he was interrogated for hours, till about 1 PM, and then eventually arrested in the evening, subsequently being slapped with stringent charges under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). The Delhi Police have asked for 10 days custody of the man, in order to confront him with data which runs into a massive 11 lakh pages!

This was it. Umar Khalid’s blissful errand is now over, and he will now have to face the consequences for orchestrating violence against Hindus, and doing so during no less than when the US’ President was visiting India. Tahir Hussain revealed that Umar Khalid advised him to stock up on large quantities of acid, to target Hindus with during the violence which was to be unleashed from 24th February in the national capital. Four days prior, in Amravati, Umar Khalid took to inciting Islamists to rise up against the Modi government during the US President’s visit. Khalid reinvigorated the laughable theory of ‘targeted mob lynching’ against Muslims and then went on to propound how when Muslims did not revolt against the Ram Janmbhoomi judgement by Supreme Court, the government took it for granted that they can bring any law against Muslims.

Inciting the crowd further, saying the CAA has been brought to harm Muslims, Khalid said that the people should show the government its aukaat, and take to the streets to throw it out. He further says that if enough people take to the streets, first the “anti-Muslim” CAA will go, then the non-existent NPR and NRC, and eventually the government will also go.

The Modi government has now decided to pull the plug off Umar Khalid’s luxurious freedoms, which he was abusing to further seditious nonsense about India turning anti-Muslim. While Opposition and Left parties took to support Umar, those running the show currently seemed unmoved by liberal theatrics which claim that a student is being punished for voicing his rightful opinion.

Umar Khalid is one of the many temporary blue-eyed intellectual created by Indian media. While a section of media, which has sold its soul over the past 70 years to one political entity in the country took to creating a hero out of Umar, the other section, which claims to be committed to the country, took to hound him, availing him and his underserving friends limelight of the magnitude which no anti-India scamp deserves.

Umar Khalid’s father has been associated with the terror organisation SIMI, and as it turns out, the son is far more of an extremist, ideologically, than his father perhaps ever was. Yet, due to the media’s immense contributions, the man was successfully passed off as an ‘intellectual’ by India’s liberals. Having been given a lot of clout by those on the left, Khalid perhaps presumed that he was now an untouchable for the country’s law enforcers, and that he could do as he fancied. Unfortunately for him, the bigoted and Islamist escapade of his now stands shattered, with the Indian state treating the man for what he is – a terrorist.

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