Actor Twinkle Khanna in her Times of India column took a dig at the media trial that Rhea Chakraborty is subjected to in connection with the death of Sushant Singh Rajput. In the column, she wrote how ‘they cut young girls in haves’ for the entertainment of the masses. In the article, she described five parts of the magical act in reference to Sushant’s death case. Also Read – Sushant Singh Rajput’s Driver Reveals Sara Ali Khan And Late Actor Were Not in Touch After Thailand Trip
She described the ‘production of a corpse that appears on television screens’ and the ‘vanishing of facts which can be made to fade away when they don’t suit anchors’, ‘the metamorphosis of suicide into murder and a girlfriend into a gold-digger’, the ‘transposition’ as all the matters of national importance take a back seat for a ‘drug cartel hinging on 59 grams of cannabis’ and ‘levitaion by making an entire political party rise in the eyes of its prospective voters’. Also Read – Sushant Singh Rajput’s Driver’s Statement to CBI: Never Saw Actor Taking Drugs, Never Met Rhea Chakraborty
She wrote, “They took a young woman and cut her in half. They sliced through her T-shirt, one that stated ‘Roses are red, violets are blue, let’s smash the patriarchy, me and you’, the blade going into her flesh, her very life draining away before a live audience of millions. What do these magicians tell themselves when the camera is switched off I wonder? Do they justify it as mere collateral damage — one life in exchange for entertaining and distracting 1.3 billion for months.” Also Read – Drug Nexus Case: NCB Establishes ‘Apex of Supply Chain’ Linked With Rhea Chakraborty, Showik
Earlier on Friday, a Mumbai Special Court rejected bail applications of actress Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik and four others accused in a drug-related case filed by the Narcotics Control Bureau, as part of an investigation into Sushant’s death.
On June 14, Sushant was found dead in his home in Mumbai. At that time, Mumbai Police had concluded it was a case of suicide, and investigated reasons that might have caused Sushant to end his life. Now, his death is being investigated by CBI, Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and Enforcement Directorate (ED).
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