Trump uses inflammatory language to discuss demonstrations and attacks press on his way to…

President Donald Trump speaks to the media before boarding Air Force One for a trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, September 1, at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Evan Vucci/AP

President Trump claimed Tuesday that the press is more to blame for fueling ongoing demonstrations across the country than his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden. 

After claiming without evidence once again that a planeload of violent criminals dressed in black flew together to stir up civil unrest, Trump spoke about ongoing protests. 

“I think a lot of people are looking at what’s happening in these Democrat-run cities and they’re disgusted. They see what’s going on and they can’t believe this is taking place in our country. I can’t believe it either. One of the reasons I’m making a trip today and going to Wisconsin is we’ve had such a big success in shutting down what would be … a city that would have been burned to the ground by now,” Trump claimed, adding, “And it all stopped immediately upon the National Guard’s arrival,” Trump said on the tarmac of Joint Base Andrews ahead of his departure to Kenosha, Wisconsin, the site of recent anti-police brutality demonstrations.

Then the President laid into the media for its coverage of demonstrations.  

“You people, I tell ya, if we only had an honest press in this country. It would be much more advanced. But we have a very dishonest press,” he said, later adding, “The press should be ashamed of themselves. I think the press, the media is what’s fueling this, more so than even Biden, cause Biden doesn’t know he’s alive.”

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