This is how much it costs Sonu Sood to arrange a bus for the migrant worker

Sonu Sood has turned a hero for the country during the lockdown. The coronavirus pandemic is something that no-one saw coming but with the rising cases in the country, the government decided to impose a nationwide lockdown with the aim to curb the spread of the virus. This affected the migrant workers most severely but thankfully, Sonu Sood came to the rescue.

The actor also gave an interview with a news portal regarding his efforts towards the needy. When Sood was asked about what pushed him towards going out of his way to help them, the actor said that he could not sleep at night thinking about the struggles of the migrants who were walking thousands of kilometers just to reach their homes. When asked about the breakdown of costs, Sood stated that a bus to take migrants home costs anywhere between 1.8 to 2 lakh rupees depending on the destination of the migrants. But Sonu didn’t think of the cost and just went ahead and did what his conscience told him. That’s the mark of a true hero indeed.

Sonu Sood migrants

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