This age is not of dismissing red lines

Ukraine’s Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv was bombed reportedly by a Russian missile – Moscow, as is its SOP, has denied its role in the bombing – on Monday. As images of injured children were beamed into living rooms across the world, it’s becoming clear that this is a war with no rules. From Kyiv and Gaza to Khartoum and Peshawar, instances of aggressors blatantly ignoring established don’ts of war keep piling.

Rules of war have existed throughout history. Modern codification of these practices into international law was begun by Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross. In 1864, he helped establish the first Geneva Convention focusing on treatment of combatants. After World War 2, rules were expanded and updated resulting in the Geneva Convention of 1949. Its 196 signatories agreed to not targeting civilians, hospitals and aid workers, providing safe passage and access to humanitarian organisations to civilians. Also, there would no torture or inhumane treatment of detainees. Yet, our century has seen the most egregious disregard of these rules from Guantanamo Bay to Syria and Yemen to Kyiv.

State-sanctioned mass murder is ugly by itself. But a disregard to agreed-upon ‘red lines‘ of conflicts is particularly grotesque. It takes away any moral differentiation from a warring state and a terrorist state or non-state actor, thereby making a mockery of all terms of engagement in inter-state armed conflicts that seek resolution. As Prime Minister Narendra Modi underlined in his retrospectively ill-timed visit to Moscow, ‘…when innocent children are killed, the heart bleeds and that pain is very terrifying.’ Today’s age is supposed to be not for war. But what, perhaps, needs fixing first is sticking to the rules of engagement.

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