The trailer of Darlings is out now and stars Alia Bhatt, Shefali Shah, Vijay Varma, and Roshan Mathew. Helmed by Jasmeet K Reen, Darlings is a dark comedy centered around the marriage of Alia Bhatt and Vijay Varma. The story is a powerful take on domestic abuse and revolves around Alia Bhatt’s retaliation after facing abuse at the hands of her husband Humza.
The trailer begins as Alia Bhatt and Shefali Shah, the mother-daughter duo file a missing complaint against Alia’s husband Humza. However, things take a shocking turn when we see that Alia is not as innocent as she looks and is the one who has kept her husband locked up. The trailer promises a stirring performance by the star cast.
Sharing the trailer of the movie, Alia Bhatt tweeted, “My first film as a producer!!! So excited nervous thrilled emotional to share it with you!!!! DARLINGS TRAILER OUT NOW!”
Darlings is set to release on the 5th of August this year.