The Power Of Thought – The Economic Times

The Yog Vasisht says that Sankalpa, or thought, generates this universe through its power of discrimination. Our thoughts create words and actions. The quality of our thoughts will always determine the quality of our lives. Our thoughts not only shape our existence but also define our essence. The way we think governs how we live and defines who we are.Thoughts generated in the mind send out vibrations to the world. The stronger your thoughts are, the stronger the vibrations will be. A monk used to stroll on the beach. When he rested, seagulls would come and sit on his shoulders. They never felt threatened. Non-violence radiated from his whole being.

One day, his son requested him to catch one of the seagulls. The next day, the monk went for his usual stroll. He was determined to catch one of the seagulls for his son. This day, however, none of them came anywhere near the monk. The monk was surprised. Then he realised that his thoughts had communicated to the birds before he could act on them.

It is not the event but your thoughts that trigger the chain reaction of feelings, actions and consequences. Krishn says, ‘No man rests a moment inactive.’ We always act on the thought plane even when inactive on the bodily plane. Therefore, if we observe ourselves, we can easily mould our thoughts. If our thoughts are pure and noble, our actions will follow. If our thoughts are filled with hatred and greed, our actions will be the same.

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