India is positioning its economy for take-off without an industrialisation revolution in the strict sense. It will, thus, need something of an equal transforming force to get airborne. AI is a key component of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which works to the advantage of a late-mover like India. It is natural for Indians to gravitate towards AI to increase their standard of living, especially when the technology can be deployed in business without acquiring coding skills. This is also an opportunity for a large informal economy that is challenged by lack of access to capital as well as technology. India’s gig economy offers a foretaste of the transformation AI could bring to, say, its agriculture sector.
The driver of economy-wide productivity enhancement is an education system that is geared to feed India’s single-largest export – the infotech industry. Softness in technology hiring requires a syllabus reorientation to concentrate on AI skills. Large tech companies are expected to be among the first movers in retraining their workforce to deal with AI. With technology dispersion, demand for AI skills will spread to manufacturing and service industries. A proactive government would have to ensure the diffusion isn’t restricted to the formal economy. Progress of AI in India will be better served by a food delivery agent on cycle with a cellphone than by a driverless car.