Swachh Bharat ambassador Anushka Sharma has an important message for…

Anushka Sharma is a dynamic actor and producer. She also supports social causes. Now that the lockdown is partially being lifted in the coming days, Anushka Sharma gave an important message for everyone. She’s been associated with Swachh Bharat Mission. In their new campaign, she has a great advice to curb the spread of the fatal virus. 

A video has been released by the mission’s official handle where Anushka talks about the importance of maintaining hygiene and sanitation, which should be our priority right now. The actress said, “When women all over the country decided that they would educate everyone…to close the door, shun the disease, no one had thought that their initiative would turn into such a huge wave! Today, in the time of coronavirus pandemic, we all have to again remember and remind others about the lesson of cleanliness.” She further talks about how dangerous it is for everyone to openly defecate on the roads. “If we take care of cleanliness around us, by not defecating in the open, we will keep ourselves healthy and India clean. We will become strong to fight against any kind of disease. Drive the disease out of the country by stopping defecating in the open and closing the toilet door at all times.”

Anushka Sharma

Now this strong message is surely the need of the hour. Anushka is currently quarantined with husband Virat Kohli in Mumbai. Time and again, the couple makes sure to spread awareness about important things in such critical times.

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