In Sushant Singh Rajput case, the locksmith, who opened the actor’s bedroom door on June 14, the day of his death has revealed that he unlocked the door and was given Rs 2,000, after which he was asked to leave the house. As per the ABP TV report, the bedroom door of the actor was not opened while locksmith was present in the house but it was opened after he left. When ABP did a sting and talked to the locksmith named Rafique Chabiwala, he said that he was given Rs 2,000 and was asked to leave as soon as he unlocked the door. Also Read – Sushant Singh Rajput’s Ex-Manager Ankit Acharya Asks ‘Why No One Try to Reach Him Till 2 PM On June 14’
Meanwhile, Ankit Acharya, former manager of Sushant Singh Rajput, has raised while questioning the accountability of the house staff present at the time the Bollywood star died. “I don’t want to blame anyone but it should have been the responsibility of the present staff to know the whereabouts and activity of Sushant on June 13 as well as June 14,” Acharya told IANS. Also Read – Sushant Singh Rajput Death Case: Actor’s Forensic Audit Report States No Major Financial Transactions With Rhea Chakraborty
“Why didn’t anyone go and check on him, or try to reach him from 10am till 2pm on June 14? Why didn’t they break open the door? It was their responsibility. Why did they call a keymaker instead of getting four or five people to break open the door? One could have replaced the door, maybe his life could have been saved. And then they touched the body and the evidence. It was the police’s responsibility to bring down the body and take care of it. Why did they tamper with the evidence?” he continued. Also Read – Sushant Singh Rajput’s Family Lawyer Slams Rhea Chakraborty’s Stance, Asks ‘Why Is Rhea Giving Clarifications On Aaditya Thackeray’
Also, the Supreme Court will on Wednesday pronounce the verdict on a petition filed by actress Rhea Chakraborty seeking transfer of the case filed in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput’s death from Patna to Mumbai. Justice Hrishikesh Roy will pronounce the verdict at 11 a.m. The transfer petition filed by Rhea has been opposed by the Bihar government and Sushant Singh’s father K.K. Singh.
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