Suggestion of printing Lakshmi Ganesh on currency notes

The Aam Aadmi Party entered into the political fray with tall promises to keep religion and caste out of politics. But within a decade of its formation, it is proving to be an adharmic political party rather than being politically indifferent towards religion and caste considerations.

One after another, its leaders have been spewing venom against Hinduism, be it the bigoted former AAP Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam or Gujarat state President Gopal Italia. The anti-Hindu cracker ban on Diwali by the Kejriwal government also clearly stamps the adharmic politics of AAP.

Is the Adharmic party piping the Hinduism bugle before state elections?

With elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh round the corner, AAP has realised that if it doesn’t get an image makeover, it will be politically routed out just like Congress was eliminated for its despicable appeasement politics. That is why AAP is desperately trying to indulge in virtual signalling to court the Hindu community before the crucial state elections.

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Evidently, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal held a press conference after the massive failure of his autocratic and unscientific cracker ban on Diwali. In his public address, he made an ardent appeal to PM Narendra Modi to introduce currency notes with images of Bhagwan Ganesh and Goddess Laxmi. He added that the deities’ iconography should be introduced while retaining Gandhi’s picture.

The IITian grad, Arvind Kejriwal, who is notorious for cosying up with parties inimical to Hindu interests, argued that the Indian economy will prosper after the introduction of a new series of currency notes having Hindu deities-Lakshmi Ji and Ganesh Ji on them.

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He said, “If there is a photo of Laxmiji and Ganeshji on our currency notes, our country will prosper. If Indonesia can do it, choose Ganeshji, so can we. I will write to the Centre tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to appeal for it. We need the Bhagwan’s blessings apart from the efforts to settle the economic condition of the country.”

Why is the suggestion covertly anti-Hindu?

The suggestion is blatantly anti-Hindu and will hurt the Hindu sentiments if implemented on the currency notes. The regular swap of currency notes cannot ensure the utmost respect that Hindu deities deserve. Evidently, people touch and exchange currency with filthy and dirty hands, while some even use spit to count notes while people keep notes in their back pockets.

Moreover, with the introduction of a new series of currency notes featuring Hindu deities, certain notes will be misused for sinful activities like gambling, bribing, prostitution, and alcohol shops, among others.

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This is, in all respects, a direct assault on the religious sentiments of Hindu community. As iconography or symbols of deities or of Hinduism are highly revered for the community, it is highly demeaning to Hinduism that its revered deities may be used for sinister activities and in manners that they shouldn’t be.

Religious sentiments of billions of devotees are attached with symbols and iconography of Gods and Goddesses. Bhagwans deserve the utmost respect and in no manner should be used in degrading manner like the one suggested on notes that in all practicality possibile may be used for purposes that will demean Bhagwan and hurt sentiments of Hindu community.

The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) too has lambasted the Delhi CM for making such a suggestion. Condemning the suggestion of Delhi CM Kejriwal, it has termed the suggestion as totally ridiculous, absurd and illogical. It also highlights that if his suggestion is implemented, then it will humiliate Sanatan Dharma and the central government should not pay heed to his suggestions. Moreover, the traders’ union called the AAP National Convener’s suggestion a politically motivated one.

It seems that AAP has forgotten that voters have seen through its anti-Hindu agenda and would not take its recent unsolicited suggestion in isolation. They would not fall for its suggestion, which may look overtly pro-Hindu and pious but is covertly anti-Hindu and blatantly Hinduphobic.

It should be understood that Indian society is totally different from western society. For the west, there is nothing wrong with using their national flag on undergarments, doormats, and other stuff. But for Indians, our national symbols, particularly our flag, are held in high esteem.

It is atrocious to even think of it as a normal cloth and drape it in any manner that doesn’t befit its reverence. The same or even higher respect and care is bestowed on the symbolism, iconography, and imagery of Hindu deities in the name. So, how come they will allow the un-revered and even demeaning usage of imagery of Hindu deities?

Delhi CM Kejriwal is making such obnoxious comments even after knowing the clear-cut stance of Indians about Hindu symbols and deities. This makes it pretty evident that the current politically motivated requests of AAP National Convener Arvind Kejriwal are a reprehensible and failed attempt to cover up its other anti-Hindu deeds and laws.

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