Studies suggest that the real culprit behind facial ageing is loss of fat – Facial ageing

Studies suggest that the real culprit behind facial ageing is loss of fat – Facial ageing | The Economic Times

In a recent study, researchers try to understand how plastic surgeons treat the signs of facial ageing. The traditional theory is sagging: the facial soft tissues simply yield to the effects of gravity over time. And while the idea that weakening ligaments in the midface could result in soft tissue descent still has merit, more recent studies point in another direction. Perhaps the real culprit behind facial ageing is the loss of fat – both near the surface of the skin and in deeper areas.


Changes in fat deposits


Changes in fat deposits

In a new study featured in the February issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Aaron Morgan, MD, of the Medical College of Wisconsin and his colleagues studied 19 patients who underwent computed tomography (CT) scans of the head on two occasions at least a decade apart. Although the patients weren’t undergoing facelift surgery or any other cosmetic procedure, scans proved useful for measuring changes in fat deposits in the midface – the area between the eyes and mouth – over time. The patients averaged about 46 years at the time of their initial scan and 57 years at follow-up.


Midface fat volume
While the findings varied among patients, the results showed a “definite and measurable loss of midface fat volume.” The total volume of facial fat decreased from about 46.50 cc (cubic centimeters) at the initial scan to 40.8 cc at the follow-up scan: a reduction of about 12.2 per cent. However, the amount of reduction wasn’t the same at all levels. Fat volume in the superficial compartment, just under the skin, decreased by an average of 11.3 per cent. That compared to an average 18.4 per cent reduction in the deep facial fat compartment.


Volume loss
The findings provide direct evidence to support the ‘volume loss’ theory of facial ageing – and may help in understanding some of the specific issues that lead patients to seek facial rejuvenation. “In particular, we think that deep facial fat loss removes support from the overlying fat,” Dr Morgan explains. “That causes deepening of the nasolabial fold, which runs from the nose to the mouth. Meanwhile, fat loss closer to the surface makes the cheeks appear deflated.”


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