‘Stop the band, baaja, baaraat,’ Left-liberals and Congress have a crazy meltdown as…

As five Rafale fighter aircraft landed at the Ambala airbase yesterday, the streets of the Haryana city were filled with awestruck spectators welcoming the new jets, and also demonstrating their pride upon seeing the five aircraft. As a matter of fact, a similar public sentiment prevailed all across the country. At a time when India faces a challenge at both the Northern and Western fronts, the induction of Rafale aircraft for the Air Force comes as a gamechanger. India had bought 36 twin-engine Rafale fighter planes from Dassault for an estimated Rs 58,000 crore, through an inter-governmental agreement signed in 2016. 10 aircraft for India have been manufactured till date, with five of them landing in Ambala yesterday. The remaining five are being used in France to train Indian pilots and ground support staff, an exercise which will take nine more months.

The first batch of five aircraft were flown in by Indian Air Force pilots, after covering a 7,000-kilometre journey. They took off from the Merignac airbase near Bordeaux in France. The five aircraft also achieved mid-air refuelling on their way to India. Indian media, meanwhile, had a field day reporting on the arrival of the historic fighter aircraft. The media’s enthusiasm became a stepping stone for BJP baiters and the anti-Modi intelligentsia to attack the aircraft acquisition and the government, many even suggesting that the delivery of Rafale comes at a time when India is battling a pandemic and also an imaginative ‘hunger-crisis’.

Rajdeep Sardesai and his better half – Sagarika were visibly frustrated with all the ‘noise’ around Rafale. Ghosh even took to sharing a meme on Twitter, in which she aimed at portraying Prime Minister Modi as a docile leader having submitted to China. Perhaps the alleged journalist did not watch his address to soldiers on his surprise Ladakh visit.

Former journalist Nidhi Razdan likened yesterday’s coverage of the Rafales as Indian media’s ‘OTT’ moment. Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, meanwhile, being a person who has no clue about the Rafale’s capabilities and someone who is evidently ignorant about the reality, once again attempted to revive the ‘scam’ bogie. We understand that it is difficult for the Gandhis to comprehend how a defence deal can take place without a scam, however, Rahul will be well advised to not act borderline paranoid in his futile endeavours.

Congress party’s official Twitter handle also tweeted, “We congratulate the Indian Air Force on receiving the Rafale jets. INC govt’s labour in identifying & purchasing Rafale in 2012 have finally borne fruit. The stark difference between the Congress & BJP deal reveal the BJP’s scam:” It added, “The Congress Rafale purchase would have ensured India receives 126 jets instead of BJP’s 36. 108 Rafale jets would have been Made in India. India would have received the Rafale jets by approx 2016 Cost of each Rafale jet would have been Rs. 526 crore.”

Shekhar Gupta compared everyone excited for the Rafale jets to ‘juveniles’, further saying that India has been successfully turned into a laughing stock globally. Saket Gokhale raised the issue of what in his mind, is a ‘PM Cares fund scam’, much like the ‘Rafale scam’ propounded by his ideological master, Rahul Gandhi.

Ashok Swain, the prime example of a deranged species thought it fit to inform Indians that the Rafale has been built by ‘beef-consuming’ French workers and engineers. He then suggested that Rafale cannot be a ‘nationalist’, and as a result, protect a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Prashant Bhushan, who shares similar levels of enhanced neural development as Swain once again alleged large-scale corruption in the whole deal.

What was witnessed yesterday was a complete meltdown among India’s left-liberal circles, who floundered around to somehow get hold of grounds to attack the government and India’s overenthusiastic masses for being excited regarding the Rafale touchdown.

The sentiment among intellectuals on Twitter was in complete contestation of the feeling of pride among Indians across the country. No wonder Twitter celebrities are shocked when the Indian public does not resonate with their opinions post-elections.

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