Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ishaan Khatter and Katrina Kaif star together in Phone Bhoot. The trio has collaborated for the first time and therefore the audience is eager to watch them together on the big screen. Katrina has teamed up with these two new entrants of Bollywood and their chemistry is totally fun and fresh. The first look of the film looks awesome and while there is still time for its release, the trio has been creating a stir online by commenting regularly on each other’s posts and pulling each other’s leg. Today, Siddhant took to Instagram to share a fabulous workout video with Ishaan Khatter.
The two boys are seen sweating it out outdoors and the newbie captioned the video as, “@katrinakaif Come workout with the boyzz! #Quick2Mins ï¸Â#SiddShaan #PhoneBhoot @phonebhoot @excelmovies”. Katrina was quick to reply to the post and wrote, “Awesome…U guys have done more shooting then me today.” She later even wrote, “@ishaankhatter this is creative genius”
Well, looks like this trio is getting along like a house on fire.