Should You Leave Your Job? 8 Ways To Know If The Grass Will Be Greener Somewhere Else

Now is the time when you may be thinking about looking for another job—after all, there is a race for talent on the part of employers, and you probably have a lot of options. There are new possibilities to consider about which organization you work for, how you choose to work and the work you choose to do.

According to a recent study by Microsoft, 40% of people are planning to leave their current employer. And organizations are looking for talent: McKinsey has reported that globally, 43% of organizations say they plan to increase headcounts over the next six months. In addition, employees are demanding to work in new ways. According to another McKinsey study, 29% of employees say they are likely to switch jobs if their employers require them to work onsite all the time. Employers seem to be responsive to these new demands: A study by Steelcase found 72% of employers expect to offer hybrid working options for employees. Overall, you’ll likely have greater flexibility in terms of how you work, when you work and where you work.

Seeking Greener Pastures

Given the opportunities for employment and potential new levels of flexibility with the way you work, should you consider leaving your current employer? It’s often easy to think the grass is greener somewhere else and the promise of something new, fresh and different can be a lure. As you’re making the decision to stay or leave, here are some elements to assess:

Meaning and Future

Meaningful Work. In thinking about leaving your current role, also consider whether you feel a sense of purpose in your work or with your organization. Purpose doesn’t have to be super-significant—you may not be solving for world peace or world hunger—but if you feel like your company adds value to customers or that your work matters in the value chain, these are reasons to stay. Perhaps you do paperwork in a university financial aid office, thereby helping students learn and achieve their goals. Or maybe you procure widgets which fit into a hospital bed and in turn help provide a healing experience for patients. All work has value and no calling is superior to another—the main thing is whether you feel like there’s meaning in what you do and the contribution you’re making to your company and the community.

Company Future. Beyond your own work, also consider whether you believe the company as a whole has a positive future. Assess whether they are aware of the market, responsive to customers, innovative, agile and contributing to the broader community. Stay with a company when you can see a bright future and positive impact—and when you want to be part of the journey.

Learning and Growth

Learning and Development. Important criteria also include whether your organization provides opportunities to learn and expand your career. Look for employers who give you some freedom and autonomy to own your path while also providing you support such as learning curricula, mentorship, regular feedback and transparency about the jobs which are open within the company.

Career Growth. Also give thought to whether you see growth potential with your employer. Primary symptoms of burnout are feeling stuck or lacking a sense of future options. Even if you don’t adore your current position, reflect on whether you can imagine your next role, or the next after that. If there are positions you can see as further steps, chances are it may be a good idea to stay where you are.

Culture and People

Culture. Pay attention to whether you feel like you fit with the culture, and whether the culture is constructive. (If your culture is toxic, run the other way, of course.) Assess whether you feel a match. There are plenty of different climates in organizations and you’ll want to find one where you sense you “speak the language,” and where you feel energized. A good cultural match will align with your values, your priorities, your goals and your character. No match is ever perfect, but aim for as much alignment as possible.

Diversity. The most vibrant companies are the ones which embrace differences in terms of people, thinking and points of view. Decide whether you feel you can bring all of yourself to work. Observe whether debate, dialogue and differences of opinion are welcomed. In environments with plenty of variety in people and perspectives, you’ll have the most opportunities to learn and contribute your ideas.

The People. The number one reason people stay with an organization is they have a best friend at work. In addition, people often leave an employer because of their leader. Pay attention to your relationships. Do you value your colleagues, appreciate them and believe you can learn from them? Do you respect the leaders of your organization and believe they will take the company in the right directions? These will be important criteria for whether you stay or go. In addition, don’t underestimate the relationships and social capital you’ve built. If you feel trust and mutual respect and if you’ve built credibility and rapport with the network within your company, these are invaluable to your happiness and fulfillment as well as your career growth.


Work-Life. A key part of the value equation for your work is also the extent to which you have overall quality of work and life. Assess whether your organization respects your life outside of work and whether you have the flexibility you need. It’s fair that employers will have expectations for the work you do as well as when and where you work. It is a rare employer who will give you total freedom, so expect some limits. But also seek appropriate flexibility and autonomy to make choices which are the most meaningful for you.

Deciding to Move On

If you decide to leave your current company, be sure you’re moving toward something terrific rather than simply away from something that is less than ideal. You’ve probably been through a lot over the last year and the stress may have created challenges that you want to get away from. But keep in mind, job changes are usually better to make when you’re enthusiastic about your destination, not just escaping something. In addition, it’s always easier to get a new job when you’re already employed.

So if you want to leave, be clear about not just what isn’t working in your current scenario, but what you want that is different or better—keeping you focused on the positive alternatives rather than the negative present. If you’re not sure what could be better, it’s possible you need to shore up your vision before you go looking for something else. As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there,” and in the negative case, you could wind up in a situation that isn’t any better than where you were before. Be clear about your vision for the future and all you want from a new position—or have a great opportunity lined up against which you can compare your current work and decide which is better for you.

In Sum

Overall, if you’ve made an investment in your current organization, you may want to continue to leverage it. But also feel empowered to take a hard look at your present situation and give yourself permission to try something new. This is a perfect time to refresh, renew and begin again—either with your current employer or in new organization.

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