In a chargesheet filed in the firing incident outside actor Salman Khan’s Bandra apartment, the Mumbai Police has alleged that the younger brother of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, Anmol Bishnoi instructed a gunman to fire shots in air outside the Bollywood superstar’s home to intimidate him.
According to the police, the instructions were part of a broader plan to establish the Bishnoi gang’s dominance in Mumbai for financial and other benefits. The chargesheet includes transcripts of conversations between Anmol Bishnoi and shooter Vickykumar Gupta. Anmol allegedly told the gunman to fire in a way that would scare ‘bhai’ and suggested he smoke during the act to appear fearless on the CCTV footage.
The 1,735-page chargesheet said, “You will create history by doing this job and your name will be there in all newspapers and other media,” citing their conversation.