Shah Rukh Khan has been in the business of movies for years now. However, if there is a league of superstars that seems to have been passed on over the decades in the industry it would be starting from Dilip Kumar to Amitabh Bachchan and then to Shah Rukh Khan. King Khan has been vocal about his love for Dilip Kumar and SRK’s mother too thought that he looked like the legendary actor when he was young. Today, on Dilip Kumar’s 98th birthday, SRK took to Instagram to share a post with the iconic actor from one of Filmfare’s photoshoots.
He captioned the image as, “To the one and only, who amazed and inspired the world by just being himself… Wishing the legendary #DilipKumar a very Happy Birthday. I cherish and remember every time we’ve met in vivid detail and you have always loved me like your own. Love you tooo much. Have a good one Dilip Sahib.” Sweet, isn’t it?