Actor Samir Sharma, who was found dead at his Malad residence on Wednesday night, was battling mental health issues, reveals his close friend to Bombay Times. Speculations are rife that the 44-year-old actor committed suicide by hanging himself with the kitchen ceiling fan. However, the Mumbai police are awaiting the final post-mortem report. Also Read – Brian Lara Opens up About Mental Health Issues, Says Experienced Feeling Of Despair Due To Pressure Of World Records
Sameer’s friend, who spoke to BT on condition of anonymity, told the entertainment portal, “He was suffering from a mood disorder and had been visiting a psychiatrist. He was a fun-loving guy and whenever we friends would jam together, we would have a good time. But, there were also times when he would completely cut off from all of us. The past few months may have been stressful for him.” Also Read – Rahul Dravid Opens up About Mental Health, Says Cricket is a Tough Game, Important For Youngsters to Maintain Balance
When asked if Yeh Rishte Hain Pyaar Ke was facing any financial crisis, he said, “He hadn’t resumed shooting post the lockdown, so yes, he may have been going through some financial issues.” Also Read – Smart Cities to get digital ‘brain centres’
Samir’s last rites were performed on Friday evening by his sister and her husband, who flew down from Bengaluru. Malad Police said in the statement earlier, “We are awaiting the final post-mortem report, but our preliminary investigations reveal that he was suffering from mental health issues.”
As per the report, the actor had moved into the rented apartment in Malad in February this year. His body was first discovered by the watchman of the society on Wednesday night who immediately alerted Sharma’s neighbours.
Samir Sharma was a popular face on television. He has featured in daily soaps like Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii, Left Right Left, Woh Rehne Waali Mehlon Ki, and several others. He last featured in the ongoing daily soap Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke in the role of Shaurya Maheshwari.
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