Refused Lamborghini by Mom, 5-yr-old caught driving to Cali to buy one. With $3

When a Utah boy’s argument with his mother ended in her refusing to buy him a Lamborghini, he thought to himself: I’ll drive to my sister’s house in California to get one myself. In an SUV.

Awkward much? (Photo: Twitter/Utah Highway Patrol)


  • Boy sneaks out of home after argument with Mom
  • Takes SUV keys, heads to California to buy sports car
  • Doesn’t get far, cops stunned after pulling him over

Denied a Lamborghini by his mother, a five-year-old in the U.S. state of Utah recently sneaked out of his house and began driving his parents’ SUV to California to buy himself one.

He had just three dollars on him.

You better believe it. This jawdropping account emerges from reporting by U.S. news agencies and a Tuesday statement from the Utah Highway Patrol.

“I was not expecting to find what I found,” said a police officer who pulled the boy over before he could get very far from his home.

The officer, Rick Morgan, said the SUV was “swerving” and that he initially suspected an impaired driver or a medical issue.

But when the window came down, Morgan told reporters, he saw the boy “sitting on the front edge of the seat so that he could reach the brake pedal to keep the car stopped while I was standing there”.

Morgan helped him park the car. His parents were soon informed.

The boy said he was travelling to his sister’s home in California and hoped to buy a Lamborghini once he got there, the officer said.

“He was upset. He was on the verge of tears.”

The Utah Highway Patrol says that according to the boy’s family, he gave an older sibling who was supposed to be watching him — but dozed off — the slip before leaving the house with the SUV keys, AFP reported.

His brief adventure caused no injuries or property damage, the highway patrol said.

Inputs from agencies

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