Prada Group Explores “Shaping A Sustainable Multilateralism”

Soft power, the idea to persuade through attraction and emulation with intangible resources like culture and education, has long been a political tactic, and yesterday, the newly founded organization Soft Power Club promoted the latest edition of Prada Group’s Shaping a Future event series to, according to the company, “stimulate a debate on the most significant changes taking place in contemporary society.” Held at Ca’ Corner della Regina at Fondazione Prada’s Venice location, Shaping a Sustainable Multilateralism, the morning of talks on September 1, featured speakers who included Ana Luiza M. Thompson-Flores, director UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice; Simone Venturini, deputy mayor for Social Welfare and Economic Development, Venice; and Carlo Mazzi, Chairman Prada S.p.A. The morning began with a discussion on soft power and how new iterations of multilateralism and collaboration are proving to be integral in the global fight against Covid-19 and to save the environment. It also emphasized the important role that the creative industry plays in the notion of soft power. Here are the key takeaways:

“Liberal humanism has brought about a great advance in human rights and economic development. At the same time, however, it has developed individualism and consumerism. Today it is not a question of counterposing growth and recession, but of inviting reflection on what is useful and what is of no use and indeed harmful. If we look around us, we see numerous initiatives that we might define as oases of fraternity. We must try to create a network of relationships for the harmonious integration of these oases, because the problems we face for the future are such that they cannot be tackled alone but demand collaboration and solidarity.”

-Carlo Mazzi, chairman Prada S.p.A.

“In choosing between collaboration and individualism, the necessary path we need to take is the first. The contribution of the creative industry (such as fashion and cinema) is fundamental in the determination to overcome diversity and promote sustainability. A special recognition goes to Prada for its commitment to the world of culture, which is the basis of soft power.”

-Francesco Rutelli, President ANICA (Italian Association of Cinema, Audiovisual and Multimedia Companies) and Soft Power Club

“Rather than seeing young people only as current and future customers, the industry should accept the burden and the honor of giving the right impetus to the minds of tomorrow. Rendering operational the potential of soft power that the fashion industry holds means using it conscientiously to influence public opinion and behavior through commercial and manufacturing practices that promote the values of sustainability, including respect for cultural diversity.”

-Ana Luiza M. Thompson-Flores, director UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Venice

“Sustainability is a central and essential theme: a strategic horizon that is the priority to which Altagamma companies must strive. It represents an urgent change that is demanded by both consumers and the financial community. Sustainability changes the way we do business and leads us towards business processes that are aware and take into account all the stakeholders. Altagamma’s companies can represent a virtuous model because this value is part of our DNA and our heritage. The cultural and creative industry can therefore be a powerful soft power able to communicate and promote sustainable development, and it must position itself as a leading sector in sustainability.”

-Matteo Lunelli, Chairman Altagamma Foundation

“Venice has always been a city of the world, a capital of dialogue and research. We must continue to work and invest in the cities of art so that they continue, indeed strengthen, their fundamental role as ambassadors for Italy around the world.”

-Simone Venturini, deputy mayor for Social Welfare and Economic Development, Venice

“Fashion is one of the driving sectors of our economy. We intend to use fiscal levers to favor companies that produce fashion garments with a low environmental impact and that implement the best waste recycling practices. We will do this by adopting an incentive logic. Finally, in the field of new technologies, we are investing in the blockchain as a system to combat counterfeiting and promote Made in Italy and fashion, which continues to be a distinctive brand worldwide.”

-Stefano Patuanelli, Minister of Economic Development

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