PM Modi uses the example of France to start the much-awaited crackdown on radical Islam in…

Speaking on the birth anniversary of India’s first Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Prime Minister Narendra Modi minced no words in calling out terrorism and those who support it. While the Prime Minister’s strong remarks condemning those, who support and whitewash acts of terror are indeed for countries like Pakistan and Turkey, they also carry a subtle message for Islamists within India. All over the Muslim world, and in India, a substantial number of Muslims are calling for the boycott of French products, while also advocating violence against French President Emmanuel Macron and using incendiary language against him.

It will not be an overstatement to suggest that Prime Minister Modi will preempt threats to India from radical Islamists, and take stern steps towards preventing their plans from fructifying. Be it Bhopal, Ladakh, Mumbai or other parts of the country, Islamists have not shied away from taking to the streets in brazen contempt of India’s foreign policy outlook towards France, while also indulging in borderline justification of Islamist terror. Having observed such stunts, Prime Minister Modi today cautioned all those who were even minutely sympathetic to the cause of jihad or terror.

The situation that has been created in many countries of the world for some time; the way some people have come out in support of terrorism is a matter of global concern. In today’s environment, all countries of the world, all governments and all creeds need to unite against terrorism. The spirit of peace, brotherhood and mutual respect is the true identity of humanity. Terrorism can never lead to the welfare of anyone. India has always fought the menace of terrorism,” the Prime Minister said.

In recent days gone by, India has abandoned its role of being a mute spectator to spine-chilling developments across the world and has voiced its wholehearted support to France’s fight against Islamist terrorism and radicalism. First, India’s Foreign Ministry in a statement sided with French President Emmanuel Macron, and said, “We strongly deplore the personal attacks in unacceptable language on President Emmanuel Macron in violation of the most basic standards of international discourse. We also condemn the brutal terrorist attack that took the life of a French teacher in a gruesome manner that has shocked the world. We offer our condolences to his family and the people of France. There is no justification for terrorism for any reason or under any circumstance.”

This particular statement by the Indian MEA came days after the gruesome beheading of a French history teacher, Samuel Paty in the outskirts of Paris by an 18-year old Islamist. As France was still on the road to recovery from the horrifying terror attack against a school teacher, at least three people were beheaded/had their throats slit on Thursday in a church at Nice. The same day, a knife attack led to the security guard at the French Embassy in Saudi Arabia getting injured. The French police also killed a man who was shouting “Allah hu Akbar” and wielding a revolver in Montfavet, near the southern French city of Avignon. Prime Minister Modi took to Twitter to offer his condolences to the French people, while also condemning the dastardly terror attacks.

The series of attempted terror attacks in France comes as a consequence of countries like Turkey and Pakistan, and their leaders, calling for violence against the French people and jihad against their way of life. As a matter of fact, Pakistan’s radical populace even took to agitating violently in front of the French embassy yesterday. Having attempted to validate terrorism, Pakistan, Turkey and other Islamic nations have ensured that a section of their brethren in India too gets excited and takes to slurring France, its President and its people.

However, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, any misadventure on the part of such jihadis will have unimaginable consequences for them. Now that France too is cracking down on Islamists, Prime Minister Modi too will not let their trespasses go unanswered.

Speaking in complete and unwavering support of France in such an explicit manner is also supposed to send shockwaves for Islamists domestically in India. The best part is, those culpable of having a radical mindset are very well aware of the same.

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