In India, Google has only been launching the Pixel A series phones for the last few years, but it is all set to change with Google now announcing that Pixel 7 series will be making its way to India. Notably, the last mainline ‘Made By Google’ flagship that came to India was the Pixel 3 series back in 2018. The Pixel 4, Pixel 5 and Pixel 6 did not launch in India owing to various reasons cited by Google. The Pixel 7 series will launch on October 6, 2022 at the Made By Google event.
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Flipkart Banner And Google India’s Tweet Confirm That Pixel 7 Is Indeed Coming To India
Earlier today, Flipkart had put up a banner that said “Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are on deck” but was apparently taken down. But now, Google India has tweeted that Pixel 7 and 7 Pro are indeed coming to India this fall.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️
nbd just our heart skipping a beat cuz the wait is almost over! Pixel 7 Pro and 7, coming soon to India.
Stay tuned for more.
— Google India (@GoogleIndia) September 21, 2022
Google Pixel 7: Launch Date and Expected Price
Apart from confirming that the Pixel 7 series is launching in India, Google India has not revealed a launch date specifically for India but given past record, it is more than likely that we might see the Pixel 7 launching simultaneously in India alongside rest of the world on October 6, 2022 at the Made By Google launch event.
Google had launched the Pixel 6 for $599 and Pixel 6 Pro for $899, undercutting Apple’s iPhone 13 and 13 Pro at the time, and having said that, Google could stick to the same prices considering Apple’s iPhone 14 and 14 Pro haven’t seen a price in the US this year. Nevertheless, it might be a different story altogether for other regions.
Google Pixel 7: What’s Confirmed?
The Pixel 7 series will feature Google’s second-generation Tensor system-on-chip based on a 4nm process, jointly developed with Samsung to allow for enhanced machine learning. Moreover, both the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are expected to retain the Pixel 6 design aesthetic, albeit with a redesigned camera module to allow for better durability.
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The regular Pixel 7 is going to feature a dual camera setup with wide and ultrawide cameras on offer and the bigger Pixel 7 Pro will feature a triple camera setup with wide, ultrawide and a telephoto lens on offer. The main sensor from the Pixel 6 series (Samsung GN1) is expected to make a comeback.
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