Deepika Padukone who was busy shooting in Goa for Shakun Batra’s next has landed in trouble. The actress has been summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau in the Bollywood drug nexus case. WhatsApp chats of the actress with her manager Karishma have been leaked that suggest her involvement in the consumption of drugs. Deepika has been asked to come to the NCB office for probe tomorrow and therefore today the actress left from Goa. Deepika was clicked with Ranveer Singh leaving from Goa for Mumbai.
The couple entered the airport hand in hand as they made their way amidst media frenzy. Check out the pictures and videos below.
View this post on Instagram#RanveerSingh #DeepikaPadukone at Goa Airport today ♥ï¸Ã‚Â�ðŸ˜ÂÂ�♥ï¸Ã‚Â�
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