Opinion | The Russian Bounties in Afghanistan: What Did Trump Know?

To the Editor:

Re “Cash Discovery Tipped Off Spies About Bounties” (front page, June 29):

Donald Trump has too often attempted to conceal his unfitness for office under a cloak of victimhood. We are now asked to believe that he had not been briefed on recent Russian mischief in Afghanistan involving suspected payments to the Taliban to kill U.S. troops and, for that reason, had taken no actions to safeguard American forces there.

What didn’t the president know, and when didn’t he know it? Sadly, this is the question that historians of the Trump presidency will one day ask, over and over again.

Farley Helfant

To the Editor:

Re “Biden Scolds Trump Over Report on Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops” (news article, June 28):

As a veteran, I can’t tell you how disgusted I am at this developing story. There are only two tracks to follow:

1. Either President Trump was told, and blew it off. If so, then he betrayed all the men and women who swore to defend our nation. Period. I am disgusted.

2. Or … if he truly wasn’t told: Then those who held back the info betrayed the men and women who swore to defend our nation. Period. I am disgusted.

James M. McCarthy
Wilmette, Ill.

To the Editor:

Re “Milton Glaser, 91, Designer Who Brightened the World, Dies” (obituary, June 28):

Milton Glaser was my hero throughout high school, when I first identified art as my career choice, through college, where I majored in design, and throughout my career as an art director and then in museum communications.

Mr. Glaser’s towering achievements in graphic design came about in the era of mass communications that predated digital technology. He accomplished most of what he did without a computer, a fact younger readers and design devotees might find incredible.

Barbara Livenstein
Sleepy Hollow, N.Y.

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