Opinion | How About Some Predictions for the New Year?

Gail: Well, OK … maybe.

Bret: First, the crypto collapse will continue, and the whole crypto phenomenon will be exposed as the tulip bulb mania of our day.

Second, President Biden will announce, after considerable holiday reflection, that he will not run for re-election, especially since he’s increasingly unlikely to face a rematch with the former guy.

And third, Kevin McCarthy will not be the next speaker of the House.

Gail: Well, I’ll give you No. 1 — would never want to be known as a crypto collaborator. Sure hope you’re right on No. 2: As I’ve said before, I’d love to see Biden follow Nancy Pelosi’s lead and give up the top leadership job for some other useful-but-not-in-charge-of-the-world gig.

And on No. 3: Fine, but who exactly are the Republicans going to pick? Any faves?

Bret: Well, nobody in the current House Republican leadership. All of them are election deniers. And Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, gets special awfulness points because her ethics are purely situational. Also, nearly every House Republican who voted to impeach Trump after Jan. 6 is gone, so that further reduces my options.

Gail: The woes of rational Republicans …

Bret: I guess the House has the option of electing a speaker who is not a member. In that case, I’d probably look to a Republican I could respect, like Rob Portman, the outgoing senator from Ohio whose seat is being taken by J.D. Vance. Though, really, I doubt Portman would want the job. Today’s definition of a sane Republican is a retired Republican, a former Republican or both.

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