Opinion | Don’t Credit the G.O.P. on Climate Change Just Yet

To the Editor:

Re “Is the G.O.P. Getting Serious About Climate Change?,” by Ericka Andersen (Op-Ed, Aug. 8):

The proposals that are cited as evidence of the Republicans’ turnaround on climate change focus on carbon capture, which allows polluters to keep burning fossil fuels so long as they capture their emissions.

But carbon capture has not been proved to work efficiently, cost-effectively or at scale, nor does it offer relief to the communities whose health has been devastated by decades of exposure to fossil fuels. Though natural carbon capture — protecting forests, restoring wetlands — will likely be part of a solution to climate change, there is no path away from the climate crisis that relies solely on capturing carbon.

Given the brief window we have left to avert catastrophic warming, we must deploy proven solutions like clean energy and not wait for carbon capture to become our deus ex machina. When Republicans stop blocking and delaying these solutions, I’ll be ready to say the party has truly changed.

Michael Brune
Oakland, Calif.
The writer is executive director of the Sierra Club.

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