New Year: 2024 beckons and winks

‘Some people swear there’s no beauty left in the world, no magic. Then how do you explain the entire world coming together on one night to celebrate the hope of a new year?’ Thus goes a dialogue in the 2011 film, New Year‘s Eve.

So very true! Dry bones may say, what’s new in a New Year? It’s just a minor digital change in the calendar. There’s much more to a New Year than meets the eye. It’s the eternal hope of a New Year that fascinates us and appeals to humanity as a big family. A New Year is an emblem of new beginnings and a metaphor for stronger and renewed hope. New opportunities are on the cards. It is a psychological booster. Something, however insignificant it may seem, is new. Isn’t it enough?

A New Year branches out like a green fig tree. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckons and winks. Every New Year offers the tantalising power of Tomorrow. We survive and thrive on the promise(s) of a better tomorrow. The celebratory mood and mode of the ensuing year is proof that we get bored with the drudgery of sameness. Therefore, want something new at regular intervals.

Also, the world, ravaged by wars, diseases and natural disasters, is at the end of its tether. We all want some relief from constant negativity and cynicism. Embrace the new and forget all blues. Better times are around the corner in the form of 2024.

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