New Testament: A spark of divine love

Divine love existed even before the world came into existence; it is present today and will be there even after the world perishes. It is the basis of our entire existence. There is a clause in the New Testament that exquisitely explains the reason this world came into being. Why did this world come into existence? When God was overwhelmed with his own love, his love overflowed and became the basis for the world’s existence. And when his love grew boundless, he felt the desire to be known, understood and sought. That is why he created human beings.

It is another matter that today, the word ‘love’ has come to be aligned with almost everything and, more often than not, used meaninglessly. A Sufi poet has said that the heart that is attracted to and falls in love with just about anyone has not learnt to be a lover in the real sense. If at all you want to be a lover, you must burn in the flame that is in your own heart. Be a lover like a moth whose attraction for the flame drives him mad and, despite knowing the consequences, it gets destroyed eventually, immolating the self in a self-lit fire of love.

Has anyone ever seen such a love where the lover is seen, but the beloved is not seen anywhere? One who is invisible is ‘the reality’, and what we see – the visible self – is a fallacy. Almighty is invisible yet true, and the path of love is among various paths on the journey to Truth.

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