New Rules of Retirement – The Washington Post

The signs were there in the pre-pandemic era, as the great wave of baby boomers crashed into old age, many without traditional pensions or savings. Now, with unemployment rates at historic levels and the stock market on a white-knuckle ride, Americans are being forced to give up their old notions about retirement.

The Washington Post spoke to six Americans who have come to the end of their working lives with no financial cushion. The coronavirus pandemic has scrambled many Americans’ financial futures, but some baby boomers have found surprising ways to cope with the downturn in the economy.

By Will Englund

As the coronavirus pandemic upends the economy, there’s never been a better time to re-examine the conventional wisdom about retirement.

By Michelle Singletary

More advice from Michelle Singletary on securing your retirement in these uncertain times

You can’t turn the clock back and start saving. But a few proposals could help baby boomers and younger workers with no nest egg.

By Will Englund

Art direction by Clare Ramirez. Design by Audrey Valbuena.

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