Nani and Samantha Ruth Prabhu were recently photographed having a hearty chat while jetting off from Hyderabad. Nani is currently busy with his pre-release schedules of his film Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, while Samantha is preparing for the release of Citadel: Honey Bunny.
The actors were engrossed in a candid conversation, while waiting at the airport. Nani opted for a breezy shirt and paired them with casual trousers. Samantha appeared in a denim-on-denim look.
In other news, Nani and Samantha’s 2012 release, Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu, was re-released on August 2 due to its popularity. It is running in selective private theatres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
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