Michael Jackson’s bodyguard reveals the real reason behind the singer’s…

Michael Jackson’s bodyguard Bill Whitfield, who oversaw the singer’s security at the time of his death, recently opened up revealing what he thinks to be the real reason behind the late legendary pop star’s death. 

Speaking about this, Bill said, “Do I think someone made a mistake? Yes. I’ve tried to work on the thoughts of whether this could have been intentional. He was a little more frail than normal in his final days. Prior to the whole ‘This Is It’ tour coming into play, a lot had changed. There were more people in his life and it became hectic. He was doing a lot of rehearsing. I could tell it was weighing on him,” he said.

He further added, “But the thought that [he died] at the hands of someone intentionally, that doesn’t weigh with me… I’ve often been asked, what do I think killed him? And I’ve told people a lot of everything. And includes a lot of us. So many people wanted not only to be near him but there were so many people who wanted something from him. And that can be overwhelming. He was definitely stressed out. And stress kills.”

Michael Jackson bodyguard

Michael Jackson died of acute propofol intoxication at the age of 50 in Los Angeles, on June 25, 2009. His doctor was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

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