Michael J. Fox Foundation Announces Winner Of Parkinson’s Disease Research Prize Funded By…

Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research is announcing today that a group of researchers at New Jersey-based pharmaceutical firm Merck & Co. has won a $1.5 million prize in a Parkinson’s disease research competition. The researchers have been competing to develop a tool to trace and visualize in human brains a protein called alpha-synuclein, which has been linked to the debilitating neurodegenerative disease that affects an estimated 6 million people globally.

The four-year, $10 million competition was funded with a lead gift of $7.5 million from hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin, the founder and CEO of Citadel. Griffin, worth an estimated $30 billion and one of the country’s most generous philanthropists, has a personal connection to Parkinson’s disease; his father was diagnosed with it several years before the 2019 launch of the competition.

Three finalists for the prize–teams from Merck, Boston teaching hospital Mass General Brigham, and listed Swiss biotechnology company AC Immune–were selected in 2020 for having made steps toward the goal of developing a tracing tool that could be used in a PET scan to identify the alpha-synuclein protein in the brains of living Parkinson’s patients; together they were awarded a total of $8.5 million to further their research.

“These three teams have put us on a path to revolutionizing care for the millions of people living with Parkinson’s disease,” Griffin said in a statement emailed to Forbes. “I care deeply about improving the lives of those touched by PD, and am proud to support Michael J. Fox Foundation’s leadership in the pursuit of a cure for this disease.” The Michael J. Fox Foundation, named for the popular 61-year-old actor who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991, is the largest foundation in the country supporting Parkinson’s research.

Much about Parkinson’s disease–including what causes the disease, why it progresses, how to measure it and how to stop it–is still not known. “Our inability broadly to measure and quantify and describe the disease–and particularly the underlying biology of the disease–has been a great limitation,” says Debi Brooks, CEO and cofounder of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, adding that without widely used tools for measurement, it’s really only possible to verify that people have had Parkinson’s during an autopsy. “So getting tools like being able to visualize alpha-synuclein in the living brain could be a game changer,” Brooks explains.

The specific role of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease is not yet understood. The protein is present in every human brain, says Jamie Eberling, PhD, senior vice president of research resources at the Michael J. Fox Foundation; what’s different is that clumps of alpha-synuclein are found in the brains of people with Parkinson’s. Scientists believe the clumping harms cells and results in disease symptoms. So far these clumps have been visible only through tissue analysis after a patient has died. Being able to track alpha-synuclein clumps in the brains of people living with Parkinson’s could potentially help with earlier diagnosis of the disease, tracking the diseas and possibly pairing the patient with a potential future drug.

“It is extremely challenging to develop a PET tracer,” says the Fox Foundation’s Eberling, noting that it took a decade for researchers focused on Alzheimer’s disease to develop a tool to trace amyloid beta, a peptide found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.

The team from Merck–led by Helen Mitchell, PhD; Robert Drolet, PhD; and Eric Hostetler, PhD–was awarded the prize for having made the most progress with their alpha-synuclein tracer, and will use the funds to further their research. The Merck team has not yet used its tool in people with Parkinson’s, but aims to do so this year. AC Immune has used its tracer in humans, but it was not successful in Parkinson’s patients; it has, however, been successful using its tracer to detect alpha-synuclein in patients with multiple-system atrophy, a rare condition that causes symptoms similar to Parkinson’s.

When the new tool is ready for testing in humans, the tracer–a radioactive drug–will be injected into a vein, travel to the patient’s brain and bind to the alpha-synuclein, and will then be measured using a PET scan. The process could take an hour and the patient has to stay still–which could be difficult for some Parkinson’s patients, since the disease causes tremors. “Ultimately, we would like to be able to measure alpha-synuclein in an easier way, in the blood,” says the Fox Foundation’s Eberling.

In the meantime, says Eberling, “The prize had the desired effect of getting more researchers involved. That was why we launched it.”


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