On Sunday, Malaika Arora celebrated Christmas 2022 with her family, including her sister Amrita Arora and her family, her parents Joyce Polycarp and Anil Arora, and son Arhaan Khan. A few hours after the reality TV star was seen leaving for her parents’ home in Bandra, Mumbai, she posted family images from the Christmas festivities on Instagram. In her comment, Malaika also referenced her boyfriend, actor Arjun Kapoor, and expressed how much she missed him while spending Christmas with her family.
“Merry Christmas… we missed you Arjun Kapoor,” Malaika tweeted along with a collection of images from her mother’s house. Along with a heart, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, and other emojis, Malaika added the hashtag “Xmas photo dump” to her caption.
Malaika stood with her mother Joyce, wearing a saree, and her sister Amrita Arora, wearing a black outfit, in the first photo was wearing a saree, and her sister Amrita Arora, who was wearing a black outfit, in the first photo that she shared. In the candid picture of the mother and daughters in front of the Christmas tree, they can be seen laughing. Malaika also uploaded a family picture of Amrita and her smiling alongside their parents.
Malaika also shared a photo with son Arhaan Khan in which the mother-son pair could not stop laughing.