Liberal meltdown on Mughals being exterminated from school history

The Macaulian education-obsessed liberal lobby has completely read the wrong script. Their concepts of love, phobia, and a whole lot of other issues are corrupt to the core. Let me make humble efforts to shake the dirt from their rusty and corroded knowledge.

Contrary to their projection, hatred is love gone wrong, and phobia relates to irrational fear. Something that has been widely deliberated, understood to the core, and has an intolerant worldview can’t take shelter in these concocted words. These flawed cliches are deliberately pushed to keep pursuing the political benefit of the mental, cultural, and physical oppression of tolerant Sanatanis.

The rationale counter and “शठे शाठ्यम समाचरेत्” (loosely translated as ‘One should deal with wickedness only with wickedness’) policy can be dubbed as phobias only by those who have a deep-seated vested interest in repeating such gigantic lies.

In actuality, the opposite of love is ignorance. But can Bharat adopt the policy of ignorance towards these sympathisers? In their obsessive hatred, yes, it’s love gone wrong, they have adopted everyone as their own except the ones who, in reality, are their original forefathers.

The example of this is that every now and then, they swear their allegiance towards Turkish, Mongol, Arab, Chinese, or anyone who can throw pennies at them. The latest manifestation of their uncanny obsession is glaringly visible in their meltdown over the extermination of FEW Mughal chapters from the INDIAN text books.

Also read: Priyank Kanoongo is determined to remove Harsh Mander from NCERT books

Cleanup of Indian education

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) in India has made significant revisions to its textbooks, impacting the curriculum for schools across the country. One of the major changes is the removal of chapters related to the Mughal Empire from the 12th class History book. This modification will affect all schools following the NCERT curriculum.

Additionally, certain poems and paragraphs will be removed from Hindi textbooks, and chapters related to American Hegemony and the Cold War Era have been removed from the 12th class Civics book. Similarly, two chapters from the Class 12th textbook ‘Indian Politics after Independence’ and some chapters from the Class 10th book ‘Democratic Politics-2’ have also been removed.

Also read: Government shouldn’t have removed Mughal references from NCERT books, it should have published the truth

The changes are being implemented from the current academic session (2023-2024). These changes reflect an effort to update the syllabus and ensure that it aligns with contemporary values and norms. However, the left liberal cabal had their woes to share.

Rather than the removing these chapters on Mughal tyrants, the NCERT and the government should have corrected it by highlighting the atrocities under their reign.


Keeping in mind that ignorance is the opposite of love, we have to equip the next generation so as to fight the Mughal obsession of this liberal cabal. Hence, those who follow the path of cleanup in Indian education should remember that light (truth/knowledge) is the best disinfectant and that highlighting the gory truth of those malefactors’ invaders is the only option.

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