But even a few minutes sitting up on your comfortable bed, warm and with no distractions, will be very powerful. Allowing your mind to slow down is the best energy recharge you can give it.
Your clarity of thought will begin to return, focus will be easier even as you go through the day.… You will know how to listen to your heart and your sense of time will open up and stretch.
Try to relax and put yourself into a spacious, non-fabricated state of mind. Give it a little space to rest. Just stay there and see what it does. I think this is a good start. Stretch your spine and relax. Don’t try to do anything, just be for a little while.
As well as taking some time out during the day for contemplation, doing physical activities, will often quieten the mind and give you asense of deep relaxation. Going for a strenuous walk, jogging or working out, especially in a class or with music, means you put all your effort into your body, allowing your mind to have a welcome rest and recuperation. Often solutions present themselves to problems that seemed insurmountable while at the office; the solutionwas always there but you have given your mind a chance to find clarity by giving it a break from the daily clutter.