Karan Johar is one doting father. The filmmaker regularly shares videos of his children, Roohi and Yash on social media, bringing much joy to his followers. Today’s video is extra special for fans of Bollywood and King Khan. Johar took to Instagram to share a video of Yash imitating Shah Rukh Khan, the king of romance. In the video, Yash is dressed in a black hoodie, track pants and black shoes. He’s also seen wearing SRK’s “cool” necklace from Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. “Dadda, I’m cool,” Yash says in the video.
Johar has dedicated this adorable post to his bestie SRK and captioned it: “Bhai @iamsrk, this one’s for you!” Johar recently hosted a birthday bash for Alia Bhatt who is a close friend and mentee. Those in attendance at the bash included Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora and Aryan Khan.
#KaranJohar dedicates an adorable message by #YashJohar to #ShahRukhKhan. Did you get the #KuchKuchHotaHai reference? pic.twitter.com/BzErFeXvh0
— Filmfare (@filmfare) March 16, 2021
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