Shah Rukh Khan recently shared the trailer for his movie Jawani and his fans are thrilled. The actor shared the much-awaited trailer on his social media account at noon, which has delighted his fans worldwide. Sharing the trailer on his social media, he wrote, “Of Justice & A Jawan. Of Women & their Vengeance. Of a Mother & A Son. And of course, a lot of Fun!!! Ready Ahhh!!!”
The impressive visuals were not the only thing that grabbed people’s interest. A piece of dialogue, which has become hugely popular on the internet, features the superstar saying, “bete ko hath lagane se pehle, baap se baat kar.” And right next after the dialogue, come the visuals which say, ‘produced by Gauri Khan.’
This particular bit too has the fans excited and the internet is rife with theories as to the deeper meaning of the dialogue. Well, if you know, you know!