Yash, renowned for his success in the KGF franchise, is set to make his mark in Bollywood with Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious project, Ramayana. The Kannada superstar is reportedly already in discussions for his second Hindi venture and has expressed interest in collaborating with Shah Rukh Khan.
In Tiwari’s cinematic retelling of the legendary tale, Yash will portray the character of Ravana, marking his entry into the Hindi film industry. Recognizing his substantial fan base in Hindi-speaking regions, courtesy of the KGF series, Yash is eager to expand his presence in Bollywood.
Amidst his busy schedule shooting for the next instalment of KGF and Ramayana, Yash is actively exploring options for his second Hindi film, specifically an action project. Sources reveal that discussions with Red Chillies Entertainment are underway, with creative ideas being exchanged and Yash expressing enthusiasm for the proposed collaboration.
There have been speculations about Yash harbouring a desire to work with Shah Rukh Khan. While talks have taken place, both actors are reportedly keen on selecting the right project to meet the high expectations of their fans.
However, a source close to Yash has downplayed these claims, asserting that he is presently focused on his ongoing projects and is not making any impulsive decisions.