The “Billionaire Dividend”
Now, sidestep roller-coaster market volatility … multiply your gains … collect generous dividends – and generate a steady income stream that can put you on easy street—for life …
Even if you don’t have a trust fund … family office … Swiss bank account … hedge fund … or a silver spoon in your mouth.
It’s true.
Now, thanks to our new Forbes Billionaire Investor, YOU can own—and make money from—the exact same financial instruments the ultra-wealthy invest in!
Forbes Billionaire Investor reveals what top billionaire investors are doing … and tells you which of their positions you should own, when to buy and at what price …
… without having to pay huge fees for access to exclusive services normally available only to the super-rich.
Result: Forbes Billionaire Investor helps you generate an unending lifetime stream of income—with greater security, less risk, larger gains, handsome yields and higher total returns.
As you’ll see in a moment, owning the stocks and exchange-traded funds recommended by Forbes Billionaire Investor is akin to getting a steady paycheck from Forbes billionaires—almost a regular “salary” you reliably collect—week after week, month after month, like clockwork.
Can the Forbes “Billionaire Dividend” Pay
the Tab for Everything You Want or Need?
Today there are 2,688 billionaires worldwide. Collectively, they’re worth $12.7 trillion.
However, Forbes Billionaire Investor recommends only a small fraction of the investments held by a small fraction of these billionaires.
Now, here’s something that may surprise you—nearly all the stocks in our Billionaire Model Portfolios pay handsome yields—which we call Billionaire Dividends.
Here’s why….
The total return of most “ordinary” stocks is simply the price increase of their shares—if they in fact have gone up at all.
But with our “Billionaire Dividend,” you make money on the gains PLUS the dividends—giving you a higher total return.
Total returns = stock gains + dividend payments.
It’s like getting a steady paycheck from billionaires – with safety.
Forbes Billionaire Investor offers its members greater security, bigger gains, steady dividend income in both bull and bear markets and higher total returns. So your stock profits keep flowing whether the market is up, down or sideways.
In the Forbes Billionaire Investor, we bring to your attention stocks that have strong fundamental appeal—and are held by one or more billionaire investor recognized for their long-term skill at picking winners.
We only look for companies that have big yields, where dividends continue to go up over time, that have low levels of debt and that have a strong free cash flow.
Plus: Shares of these stocks are selling at discounts to historical valuations on prices/sales, price/book value, price/earnings, price/cash flow and enterprise value dividend by Ebitda—earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
A significant discount in current share price to past valuations is key. “The companies you invest in must be available at a sensible price,” said Warren Buffett in one of his annual letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders.
Money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected.
We also know the wisdom of “buy low, sell high.” But unless you buy low, you miss the first half of that profit equation, no matter how high the stock price rises. And with Forbes Billionaire Investor, you follow only the leaders—and get way out ahead of the rest of the pack.
Importantly, you can comfortably hold Forbes Billionaire Investor stocks for months or even years. It’s low-pressure, buy-and-hold investing. No day trading. No need to stay stuck in front of your computer monitoring complex price charts. You make money with less effort and time—without making investing in the stock market your life.
That’s because, historically, owning shares of conservatively financed growing businesses has always been financially rewarding over time—given a long enough holding period.
Forbes Billionaire Investor’s conservative, dividend-paying stocks—all owned by our elite group of top billionaire investors—give you a true edge in the markets.
As for which billionaire investors we monitor and track, they range from famous investors like Warren Buffett, Leon Cooperman and Ken Fisher to less well-known names like Louis Bacon, Howard Marks and Nelson Peltz. Combined, their investing acumen delivers some of your best prospects for market profits.
Warren Buffett
Photograph by Michael Prince/The Forbes Collection
Plus, at Forbes Billionaire Investor, we do more than just give you the stock—we bring you the billionaires behind them.
Their stocks alone can put you on easy street … while the education, ideas, advice and inspiration you get from our billionaire investors can empower you to do better in every aspect of your life.
About FBI Editors
Forbes Billionaire Investor Editor John Dobosz has more than two decades of experience picking conservative value stocks that deliver above-average returns combined with superior safety.
John has been featured on CNN Financial News and Bloomberg TV. In addition to Forbes Billionaire Investor, John heads up two other Forbes advisories, Forbes Premium Income Report and Forbes Dividend Investor.
Since its inception in 2012, his recommendations in Forbes Dividend Investor are up 313% — which means that within a decade, we more than quadrupled our money.
Forbes Wealth Team
For nearly four decades, the Forbes Wealth Team has estimated the fortunes of the world’s wealthiest by digging into their public and private holdings and speaking with dozens of experts. A core team of ten reporters and editors plus dozens of other beat reporters throughout the world value everything from their real estate and art to yachts to come up with our definitive lists of The Forbes 400 richest people in America and the World’s Billionaires. Forbes’ Real Time Billionaires tracker updates these net worths daily using up-to-the-minute stock prices and updated exchange rates.
Forbes is recognized and respected as a major business and financial publisher with accurate, thorough and comprehensive coverage of wealth builders—unduplicated by any other financial publication for more than a century.
Forbes’ unmatched billionaire reporting and in-depth research, combined with John’s track record, makes us ideally suited to help you profit by following the “smart money.”
We have inaugurated the Forbes Billionaire Investor with two model portfolios—one made up of large-caps and the other of small- and mid-cap stocks. Both portfolios include one stock from each of the market’s 11 sectors: energy, finance, industrials, materials, healthcare, technology, communication services, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, utilities and real estate.
The Forbes Billionaire Investor Model Portfolios currently include:
- A healthcare company that Warren Buffett absolutely loves
- An energy pick from John Paulson that is crushing the S&P 500 this year with a gain of 157% versus a loss of 23% for the index
- Ken Fisher’s favorite technology infrastructure company
- A natural gas distributor with a 3% yield that Carl Icahn favors
- And more
Which combined have, so far in 2022, have left the Dow in the dust!
It’s like getting a steady
paycheck — from billionaires.
You can also use Forbes Billionaire Investor to get an income check every month—using our simple, but effective laddering strategy.
How “laddering” works: Different companies pay dividends at different intervals: usually monthly, quarterly or annually.
By investing in the right combination of billionaire companies based on their dividend payout schedule, you could see dividend checks arriving in your mailbox all around the year—even every month.
Or, you could take your dividend profits, reinvest them in the company and reap an even higher payday.
The attractive yields of Forbes Billionaire Investor’s recommendations could easily cover your monthly expenses—and then some.
Your principal can grow in value, while you use their dividend income to live comfortably, day in and day out.
And in today’s economy—with consumer prices rising at their fastest pace in the last 40 years, and climbing more than twice as fast as wages—an extra dividend income stream from Forbes billionaire stocks might come in handy, right?
Plus, owning what billionaires have in their asset troves can give you welcome, added protection against whatever may be coming down the pike.
Right now, we have roller-coaster market volatility, with no immediate end in sight. Since 1950, the S&P 500 has experienced six crashes, ten bear markets and 36 double-digit corrections. That means, on average, the S&P 500 has a correction once every two years.
Even crypto is no longer a safe haven from the vagaries of the market. After reaching 3 trillion in total market cap last year, the value of the cryptocurrency market has dropped to less than a third of that level—to $930 billion.
Imagine hiring a billionaire to manage
your money—for pennies on the dollar!
Let’s say you wanted the world’s sharpest billionaire investors to guide you in managing your own money.
What would be your options?
Well, one obvious play would be to latch onto Warren Buffett’s “Midas touch” by buying a share of his company.
That way, you can essentially own the same basket of stocks he does. That’s as close to “hiring” Buffett as your investment advisor as you can get.
The only problem is that one single Berkshire Hathaway Class A stock today will cost you (as of this writing) a staggering $404,000.
So you need almost half a million dollars to ante up to Buffett’s table.
What about “hiring” a billionaire investor—let’s say Bill Gates—for advice by the hour?
Well, Forbes reported a $5 billion increase in Gates’ net worth from 2021 to 2022.
An annual wage of $5 billion translates into Bill Gates earning almost $13.7 million per day—too rich for almost anyone’s blood.
But now, by becoming a Charter Member of the Forbes Billionaire Investor, you can own the same great dividend-paying picks that Gates, Buffett and other top billionaire investors—including Leon Cooperman, Howard Marks and Daniel Loeb—are pouring their wealth into today.
Your Invitation to Charter Membership in
The Forbes Billionaire Investor
Right now, you can join us—absolutely risk-free—as a Charter Member of our newest and most elite advisory service – Forbes Billionaire Investor.
Just look at all you get….
- 12 Monthly Issues. Each month, you will receive any new buy recommendations, with some of the portfolio additions delivered via email and text message hotlines to take advantage of market opportunities. Your monthly issue also includes Market Overview & Commentary plus the latest updated Model Portfolios.
- Two Model Portfolios. As a member, you’ll get exclusive and private access to the Forbes Billionaire Investor’s model portfolios of dividend-paying, price-discounted stocks spanning 11 different market sectors. Both the large-cap portfolio and the small- and mid-cap portfolio will help you achieve greater safety through diversity, while also making plays in your preferred and “hot” sectors.
- Action Alerts. If there is important news or recommendations, we send you Alerts via email or text between your monthly issues.
- Member Meetings. Editor John Dobosz will lead webcasts where members gain in-person advice from market experts, ranging from Forbes analysts and researchers to live interviews with our billionaires.
Get billionaires to give you their top stocks
picks—just $2.78 a day—100% risk-free!
You can’t hire Warren Buffett, Bill Gates or other billionaires directly for investment advice.
But right now, you can join Forbes Billionaire Investor and follow the world’s top billionaire investors at a very affordable rate.
For a limited time only, you can become a member of Forbes Billionaire Investor for the special new-subscriber Charter Rate of $1,000 for a full year of service.
Which you may pay either annually OR in four quarterly installments of $250 each. It’s your call.
That works out to just $83.33 per month to join our “billionaire investor club”—or only $2.78 a day … less than what you’d pay for your daily Starbucks cup of caffè latte.
Best of all, you are fully protected by
Forbes ironclad guarantee of satisfaction.
If you are not 100% satisfied with Forbes Billionaire Investor for any reason you may cancel your membership within 60 days—for a full and prompt refund of every penny paid. After that you may cancel at any time for a full refund on the unused portion of your membership
That way, you risk nothing.
Be ready for what’s coming in the
markets—before it gets here.
When you follow Forbes Billionaire Investor—and own the same stocks the billionaires do—you gain extra safety against whipsaw volatility, geopolitical conflicts, inflation, recession, pandemic, corrections and other evils of the markets.
With Forbes Billionaire Investor, you get the best of both worlds … above-average returns combined with a steady flow of big dividend checks.
As a Forbes Billionaire Investor member you can make money in ANY type of market—bull, bear, or sideways markets … during corrections, recessions, downturns or rising inflation.
Because through any kind of turbulence or market exuberance, Forbes Billionaire Investor guides you to robust dividend-paying investments even as your portfolio of our billionaire stocks handily trounces the market.
So, what are you waiting for?
For more information or to activate your Charter Membership in our new Forbes Billionaire Investor service on a 60-day no-risk trial basis … just click here now.
But I urge you to hurry. This special discount Charter offer is for a limited time only, and once it expires, it may never be repeated again.
Remember, there’s no risk of any kind. You have everything to gain.
Charles Morgan
P.S. Join Forbes Billionaire Investor as a charter member today, and we’ll send you these 2 FREE Bonus Reports:
** FREE Special Report #1: Forbes Billionaire Investing Secrets
Investors are naturally interested in what billionaires invest in.
And billionaires are spotlighted in the media more than ever.
In this report, we show you how to generate a special income stream from what are known as “Billionaire Dividends.”
As I said earlier, these are regular dividend payments from billionaire-owned stocks with exceptionally high yields.
These dividend checks can add up fast.
And can reach the point where your Billionaire Dividend income more than covers your living expenses – including housing, food, health care, and all other costs of living — regardless of your age, income, or current net worth.
** FREE Special Report #2: Three Forbes Billionaire Stocks You Must Own Now
This report gives you our full research recommendations on our hottest 3 billionaire stock picks – including the name and symbol of each company.
Because this bonus report is delivered to you almost instantly via quick email, you can take positions in one or all of these billionaire stocks right away!
To claim your 2 FREE Bonus Reports … and try Forbes Billionaire Investor service 100% risk-free … simply click here now.
P.P.S. I know that in today’s ferocious bear market, you are being bombarded from all sides with advice from money managers, financial planners, brokers, and investment advisors – and also friends, neighbors, and relatives.
But … how many of them are billionaires?