Inside The Far-Right Conference At Trump’s Miami Resort

Donald Trump’s Miami golf resort hosted a four-day conference for conspiracy theorists and far-right diehards named AmpFest last week. 

Roger Stone, one of four attendees who previously received a pardon from Trump, hosted a martini-mixer. James O’Keefe, whose Project Veritas uses undercover cameras (and sometimes artful editing) to catch journalists saying embarrassing things, starred on stage with a song-and-dance routine.  

House members Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene milled about, snapping photos with admirers. Tickets ran $450 to $3,500, and rooms—sold separately by the former president’s company—started at $209 a night.  

Forbes offers a look inside the event, with the help of attendees who were eager to broadcast the scene on social media:  

At an add-on event with a ticket price of $1,000, Stone showed off how to make Richard Nixon’s martini recipe with Tito’s. That vodka was first distilled in 1995. Nixon died in 1994.  

Standing behind the former president’s family crest, one speaker flaunted his “little friend.”

Former National Security Advisor, Mike Flynn, a Trump pardon recipient, ran into an admirer.

Gaetz mingled with Anthony Sabatini, a state representative in Florida running for U.S. Congress.

Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, stuck it to the libs with some friends. 

Stone got an earful from an adviser to Republicans for National Renewal. That dark-money group is working to ensure the GOP has “a foundation in populism and nationalism.”

Trump pardon recipient George Papadopoulos was all smiles with Stone. 

Jackson Lahmeye, a pastor running for Senate in Oklahoma, mimicked the look of Doral’s owner.

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Joe Kent, a Trump-endorsed candidate running for the House in a primary against one of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach the former president, took the stage. Joining him was Josh Mandel, an Ohioan running for U.S. Senate, whose associated PAC spent $31,000 at Mar-a-Lago this spring. 

O’Keefe, of Project Veritas, wowed at least one attendee. 

Laura Loomer, a far-right provocateur running for Congress in Florida, rapped.

In AmpFest’s photo booth, two attendees flashed the okay hand gesture. Depending on the context, the sign can mean “white power,” according to the Anti-Defamation League.

Alt-right conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, a personality at OANN, was among the many incredible people one AmpFest performer met. 

Conservative auteur, Dinesh D’Souza, another recipient of a Trump pardon, smiled with one of the former president’s customers.

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