Indian origin leader dumps UK Labour Party in protest against Jeremy Corbyn’s racist,…

Lord Meghanad Desai – an economist, author and an Englishman of Indian origin has resigned from the Labour Party, after serving it for close to 49 years. The resignation, which serves as a huge embarrassment for the already politically-ravaged Labour Party has come in the backdrop of Keir Starmer, the current Labour Party chief readmitting the controversial leader into the party ranks, merely 19 days after he was suspended on counts of anti-Semitism and racism. This, despite the fact that Starmer had come up with the promise of ridding the Labour party of anti-Semitic and racist elements, and had suspended Corbyn last month after he seemed to downplay the very critical findings of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

“It was a very peculiar decision to allow him (Jeremy Corbyn) back without any apology. He has been refused the party whip in the House of Commons for a few months, but that is a very lame response to a very big crisis. I have been very uncomfortable and slightly ashamed that the party has been injected with this sort of racism. Jewish MPs were abused openly, and female members were trolled. It is out and out racism,” PTI quoted Lord Desai as saying on the subject of him resigning from the Labour Party. In a scathing attack, Lord Desai also said, “I can’t go on being in an antisemitic party.”

It seems that with his resignation from the Labour Party, Lord Desai has called it quits from politics, as he went on to state that he has no plans of joining any other political party. The Labour Party, meanwhile, which boasts of its traditional values of equality and racial justice could no longer allow a culture of antisemitism to nurture among its ranks, as happened and was personally practised with Corbyn leading the party. Yet, the racial leader being reinstated in the party has befuddled many, as they are forced to wonder why the Labour Party is going suicidal.

The report headed by the government watchdog- Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has listed instances where Corbyn’s group in the party refused to acknowledge the complaints that were put forward by the Jewish members of the party. These members complained of the behaviour of his office in addressing antisemitism complaints. According to the commission, the Labour Party under the leadership of Corbyn breached the 2010 Equality Act of Britain on three separate occasions. It was this same report that had led to Corbyn’s suspension in the first place.

Read more: Jeremy Corbyn was slated to be the next UK Prime Minister. Poor guy has been dumped by his party

Jeremy Corbyn also called radical Islamist terror organisation like the Hamas and Hezbollah his, and Britain’s friends at large. Lord Meghnad Desai has therefore taken the right decision by dissociating himself from an influential lot of anti-Semites within the Labour party, who somehow seem to be controlling the opposition in Great Britain.

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