‘India is targeting us,’ After being brutally exposed by Greta, anti-India lobby has only…

The oh-so-wicked Indian state is out in the open now, threatening journalists with multi-year prison sentences, blocking anti-government handles from social media platforms, hounding farmers and activists and trampling over women trying to make their voice heard in a largely-misogynistic society. These are all assertions which many anti-India specimens profoundly have faith in. Now that their dirty laundry has been exposed, and they have been caught red-handed trying to defame India internationally, the nexus of liberals, Khalistanis, radical feminists and sold-out journalists are working overtime to play the victim card.

This, in response to Greta Thunberg and Rihanna’s handlers being exposed by means of a ‘Google toolkit’, which aimed at besmirching India’s name globally and destabilising the Modi government, while those in the country’s security establishment believe that an entire Canadian-centred nexus has been activated for carrying out propaganda activities against India. Having been exposed in their endeavour to do so, liberals, Khalistanis and vested interest groups are now crying foul and projecting themselves as the ultimate victims of oppression being subjugated by the Indian state. In line with the same, fresh narratives, albeit defensive in nature, are now being spun.

Read more: The Khalistan, Jagmeet Singh and Rihanna nexus: PR firm connected to Canadian MP paid Rihanna $2.5 million for one tweet

Narrative 1: Bully India curbing free speech and mounting pressure on social media platforms

A time-tested mechanism in India for those who wish to see nothing but the ruin of this country is the relentless harping by them on fictitious notions of the demonic Indian state bullying them, curbing their free speech and hounding them. That the same people were only days ago exercising all of their freedoms and in fact, working tirelessly to effectuate a riot in the country is a subject they conveniently ignore. A highly vitriolic, fake and malicious hashtag was one of the top trends in the country on January 30, and again a few days ago.

The hashtag, which claimed that PM Modi was planning a farmers’ genocide, was used by all anti-India elements and liberals, not to mention Khalistanis, to peddle their deceptive agenda. Was the Indian state not fascist when they were given a free run to trend such a hashtag? With a concerned Modi government directing Twitter to block the said hashtag and ban the 250 accounts which tweeted it from using the microblogging site, the anti-India cabal has further ganged up on the country and its citizens, claiming that the government directive is in contestation of free speech.

Narrative 2: India threatening journalists with imprisonment for doing their job

The coterie is also spinning false theories of the Modi government specifically targeting journalists who are doing their job, when in fact, all anarchists masquerading as journalists were peddling a highly fallacious agenda, and even attacking Delhi Police personnel on the borders of Delhi. Meanwhile, Twitter India executives have been told that non-compliance of their directives will result in strict action being taken against them, which ranges from massive financial fines to a jail term of seven years, or both.

Yet, the coterie is not saying why Twitter has been given an ultimatum. When the government asked the left-leaning microblogging site to block 250 accounts for inflammatory content and tweets using the controversial hashtag, the American comply brazenly defied the Indian government’s order and took it upon itself to adjudicate upon the veracity of content posted by the said individuals and groups.

Narrative 3: Misogynistic India targeting women who are speaking their mind; Greta Thunberg and Rihanna being cases in point

Haven’t we heard this one before? The highly patriarchal society of India, which cannot stand the sign of women without veils, hounding an entire gender for speaking their minds? The West thinks of India to be the same hell hole. So, when the anti-India cabal is exposed in broad daylight trying to defame our country as part of a well-oiled campaign, the ultimate women + victim card is played. Both Greta Thunberg and Rihanna are women. And both have been exposed for indulging in alleged paid campaigns to malign India. Hence, India becomes synonymous to misogyny.

The criminal indulgence of such women in a misinformation campaign notwithstanding, the cabal is now shifting all blame on the Indian state and its misogynistic society for going after any woman who supports the ‘farmers’.

Essentially, Prime Minister Modi is the devil-incarnate, and all influencers, celebrities, ‘farmers’ and anarchists have taken it upon themselves to expose the Indian government for its crimes against humanity. Interestingly, none of the said group of people, Khalistanis included, have yet spoken on the global conspiracy to defame India being exposed. Instead, they are haphazardly shifting goalposts and playing the victim card, none of which seems to be working in face of a united front of patriotic Indians.

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