Pathaan has wreaked havoc at the box office and it is indeed Shah Rukh Khan’s biggest hit ever and fans can’t stop rejoicing. To celebrate the same, Shah Rukh Khan finally addressed the media last evening. He spoke at length about the controversies surrounding the film and made a very patent fact.
He compared the cast featuring Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, and himself to the iconic characters – Amar, and Akbar Anthony – a classic film by Manmohan Desai in 1977.
He spoke about how no one should take onscreen characters, in other words, their alter egos so seriously. He spoke about how all of it is done just for entertaining the audience and nothing else. As quoted on an entertainment platform, he said, ” None of us are bad. We are all playing characters to make you happy. If we say things in the film, none of them are meant to hurt any sentiment or anybody. It is just entertainment.”
This is in connection to all the statements that were made earlier in the film Pathaan and particularly the song Besharam Rang hurting emotional sentiments.
He concluded by saying, “There are no differences that any of us have for anybody, any culture, any aspect of life. We love you, that’s why we make films.”