Shah Rukh Khan opened up about losing his parents at an early age at the Global Freight Summit in Dubai recently. The actor made his Bollywood debut at the age of 26 but unfortunately, both his parents Mir Taj Mohammed Khan and Lateef Fatima passed away even before they could see him on the big screen. Recalling the death of his parents, he said, “My parents died when I was young. My father, when I was 14. My mother, when I was 24. So, I lost them in a gap of 10 years. I had nowhere to go. I had a sister with me. Just the two of us left in this world.”
He continued, “I felt one morning that maybe my parents are there somewhere… and I will meet up with them again for sure. They are stars in the sky and I will meet them once. But aren’t they worried right now? That, ‘Oh my God, what must be happening to my 24-year-old kid who has no sustenance?’ So, I started working very hard, I became very determined to be successful because I didn’t want my parents to feel bad that they have not fended for me. This is a very strange way to look at things… I will become successful and turn around and say ‘I am doing good! Don’t feel guilty you died early.”
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He then shared his feelings about being a father and said that he will feel guilty if he dies early. “Our parents must be missing us…Now, I am determined for my children… in a good way. That their lives should be healthy, they should be happy. All three of them are very beautiful, very loving and hard working,” the actor concluded.
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